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*EJ's POV*

I walk through Slenders woods looking for any unsuspecting humans when all of a sudden I feel a body collide on top of mine out of nowhere. Looking down at who landed on me I see it's only Demon, she's crying her eyes out though. I go to say something, but she only buries her face into my hoodie. Sighing I wrap my arms around her comforting her. "Are you okay?," I whisper.

She hiccups for a moment then looks up at me with still tear-filled eyes, "the-these id-idiots at my s-school tried r-r-a-," she chokes on her words a little before continuing. "Raping me!" she bawls. WHAT?! "S-so I k-killed the-them, and s-some g-girls s-saw and r-recognized m-me, n-now I c-cant g-go back t-to sch-school," she sniffles and continues to cry. THOSE GUYS ARE LUCKY SHE KILLED THEM, OR ELSE I WOULD HAVE..... I would have done it very slowly and made them watch as I slowly removed each and every one of their organs.

But, that's not important, she got spotted in her pasta form, now they know she's a pasta and the humans will be on the hunt for her too. Which means she won't be able to attend human school. "It's okay, you were just protecting yourself, it's not your fault," I coo sitting up and leaning her head on my shoulder. 

"I k-know I-I'm j-just g-going to m-miss it," she sighs as some final tears fall.

"Your Dad can always give you lessons, he gives Sally lessons while you're at school, and Ben," I suggest.

"Yeah I guess, thanks for comforting me EJ," she hugs me and a small blush tints my cheeks, good thing I'm wearing a mask so she won't see it.

"Demon! Thank evilness I've found you!" says a very worried voice behind us.

"Daddy!," all of a sudden Demon bounds over me almost pushing my face into the dirt trying to get to her father.

"Oh evilness, I saw the news, your picture is everywhere! I was so afraid something happened to you," sighs Slender holding Demon in his arms.

"I'm fine Daddy, but now I can't go to school anymore!" she starts tearing up again.

"I know, we'll talk about what happened and what we're going to do from here on in my office okay?," she nods in response to him and they teleport away, great, now I have to walk back. Whoo. Hoo. Sighing I stand and make my way back to the mansion. When I get back I'm nearly pounced on by Sally.

"EJ WE NEED TO TALK!," she screams and starts dragging me to a random place.

"What is it Sally?!," I ask slightly in shock. She only ever does this when it's very important. She drags me up the stairs and past a pink door, a green door, a white door, a red door, and finally she stops at my navy blue door. "Why are we in my room?" ignoring my question she pulls me inside.

"I came in here looking for a scalpel to play doctor with one of my new friends in my special basement, but while looking I found this, explain," she points to the inside of my dresser drawer where there's a small carefully carved out heart with the letters E × D inside. I let out a small hopefully unnoticeable gasp and my cheeks turn a light shade of pink, I quickly slam the drawer.

"That's none of your business!," I almost scream, I hold myself back from actually screaming at the little girl because I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"WHO IS THE D-EJ?!," she demands. "TELL ME OR I GET CHARLIE!" she silently pulls out her bear from behind her back which grins at me evilly, showing off its rows of pointed teeth. I shiver remembering the last time that bear and I got into a fight, he walked away unscathed, I lost a kidney, then ate it.

"Okay okay, I'll tell you," I sigh. "It's... Dafgem," I move my mouth right against my mask so I could muffle her name as much as possible.

"Say again?" she grabs my mask and crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes.

"It's............ugh it's Demon alright!," I groan. Sally freezes and her eyes widen excitedly, I cover her mouth as she lets out the most high-pitched, loud squeal I have ever heard in my life, even hearing it through my hands made it hurt my ears.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!," freaks Ben peeking his head into my doorway. "WAS SOMETHING DYING?!"

Sally shoves my hand away, "NO! EJ LO-," I cover her mouth with my hand again.

"Sally found out there's going to be a new Barbie," I lied.

"Oh, okay," Ben leaves and I sigh gratefully, removing my hand from Sally's mouth.

"Why can't I say anything?!," scowls Sally.

"Because, I don't want her to know yet, and I'm pretty sure if Slender found out, he'd kill me," I explain. She slowly nods her head frowning.

"Fine, I won't tell anyone," she pouts.

"Thanks, Sally," I smile, she hands me my mask back and I gently pat her head. She smiles at me and runs out of the room, thankfully taking that terrifying bear with her. I can't believe someone knows my secret. Hopefully, she keeps her mouth shut...

*Demons POV*

Exiting my Dads study I wipe the last few existing tears falling from my eyes. I'm so sick of crying. I'm surprised my Dad took what I did so well, he said it's good that I killed them, they deserved it. Apparently, they were on his kill list anyways, but my Dad also said I should have gotten out of there as soon as those girls saw me and not have worried about my things. I just didn't want the police taking them, that's why I went back to get them. Sighing I walk back to my room. I go to walk over to my dresser when I see a certain bear on my bed.

"Sally?," I call out. No response. Now I know that girls in here, she takes Charlie everywhere with her. "Sally, I know you're here.  Come out or else no strawberries tomorrow for breakfast," I threaten. 

"Okay! Okay!," she hurriedly appears from the other side of my bed holding something behind her back.

"What'cha got there?," slowly I inch my way towards her, very curious, I swear if it's my jewelry again.

"Nothing Demon," she says in her innocent little girl voice, giving me the puppy eyes, can anyone else see the red flags here?

"You little liar!" I smirk and go to lunge for her. She runs across my room and I finally see what she has, MY DIARY!

"Sally! Give me back my dairy! That's invading my privacy!," I scream.

"No! I haven't found out if you like EJ yet!," she pouts, opening my oh so sacred and precious book and continues to read it as I chase her.

"Sally, I do NOT like EJ!," I screech continuing to chase her.

"Lair!," she suddenly stops making me slam into her and knock us both down. "It's right here! 'Dear Diary, I think I have a crush on Efuhsj," I cover her mouth before she could say anything else looking around to make sure no one is watching.

"Sally please don't say anything to him!," I beg. She pulls her hand off from my mouth and smiles at me.

"But Demon! He likes you too!" she giggles.

"H-he does?!," I gasp. "H-how do you know?," I question not believing the small girl.

"Because when I went to look for a scalpel in his room I saw a heart that said E + D in it," she beams.

"O-oh," does he actually like me? Omg. Please don't let her be lying, I feel a light blush scatter on my cheeks.

"I'm going to tell him you like him to!," she squeals, I go to catch her arm to stop her, but it's already too late, she's gone. She has my diary still too. Oh boy.

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