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*Demon's POV* 

Black, that's all I see, just black, so dark. It's like a never-ending abyss of nothingness. Where am I? Am I, back in my mind? No, no, no, no! Not again! I don't want to be trapped again! "Relax," soothes a soft feminine voice. That sounds nothing like my biological father.

"W-who are you?" my voice comes out shaky out of fear, please let me wake up soon. I'm terrified of my being in my mind again, I don't want to be alone.

"Now's not the time for that, I ca," a sort of static sweeps through my head making me wince. Dad? Is, Dad causing this? But, his voice isn't feminine.

The woman's voice attempts to cut through the static, making her sound like a radio that can't seem to find the right signal, but still has sound coming through it. "You will- be b-bb," her voice gets completely lost in the static as it becomes louder, the sound of it beginning to give me a headache. The sound continues to grow louder and louder giving me a worse headache before everything goes silent. The static noise no longer ringing throughout my head, it's just dead silence. "Be careful Demon," whispers the woman's voice. 

The feeling of sweat is all over my body as I open my eyes, I'm in the infirmary still. The itchy sensation of gauze is covering my shoulder, stomach, and leg where Jeff stabbed me. I can't believe Jeff tried to kill me because I'm apart of his past. Does that mean he'll try to kill me all the time now? Or is Dad going to kick him out of the mansion? 

Grunting I sit upright deciding to shove the questions away for now. There's way too many questions lately and not nearly enough answers.

Also, I need to apologize to Dad, I shouldn't have flipped out on him over my education. I was just mentally exhausted from being locked in my mind and tortured for four years, I'm surprised my sanity is still pretty much here. After last night I feel pretty refreshed, so I'm much more open to the idea of brightening my mind.

Looking around the room I'm in my body spasms the instant I see Jeff lying there on a hospital bed next to mine with a black sleep mask on him and the large dog on his feet. "Hello," I call quietly to the dog. The dog lifts his head and smiles widely even though he's always smiling. He starts to pant happily. What was his name again? I know I learned it sometime before I passed out, I just can't remember.

"He's Jeff's dog his name is Smile," says an affirmative female voice I recognize immediately. Nurse Anne walks into the room glaring at me my father behind her. Guess that answers my question. 

"It suits him," I mutter sitting up and wincing as I do so. The wound on my stomach throbbing in pain.

"Demon," my Dad's stern voice radiates throughout the room making me shiver. "I am very disappointed in you, how dare you disobey me and leave the mansion, and fight with Jeff of all people!" he growls his tentacles slowly protruding from his back.

"Slender, remember your temper," sighs Nurse Anne grabbing my fathers hand, what is she doing? Why is she grabbing his hand?

Dad takes a deep breath and his tentacles slowly move back, "right, thank you dear," he bends down giving her a ghost kiss on her temple.

My eyes widen, "did you just-?!," Dad and Nurse Anne look at me with slight weariness for a moment, before he looks at me sternly again.

"Another time Demon, I would sentence your grounding for longer, but it seems like Jeff and you almost killing each other is punishment enough for the both of you, I will see you downstairs for Lunch," sighing he turns to leave, but in a panic, I quickly grab his sleeve.

"W-wait! I just, I want to apologize, I shouldn't have left without your permission, and I thought about what you said about school, and your right, I still need further education, so I'll take lessons without fighting you about them," I sigh. 

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