Homecoming Pt. 2 Fun Night

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*Demon's POV*

I nervously play with Jeff's hand as we walk with everyone to the school. He seems to take notice of my anxiousness, "you okay?" He asks glancing at me, I feel one of his calloused fingers run across my knuckles. 

I smile up at him even though my stomach is wracked with butterflies, "yeah, I guess I just realized something crazy earlier." 

"Can't be crazier than you or me in general, what did you realize?," Jeff snickers a bit at his joke while I roll my eyes a bit. 

This absolute dork, jeez. "This homecoming is technically our first date," I smile a tad up at him, the other crazy part is that it's not our first dance and he doesn't remember, but hey! If I tell him that, he might just attack me again... Pushing those thoughts aside I glance at Jeff's expression, his lips have pressed into a  thin line, and his brows have furrowed while he looks ahead of us at the school. Well, he certainly doesn't look happy. "Do you not like the thought of this being our first date?" I frown a little myself.

Jeff lets out a sigh rubbing the back of his neck, "can't we just say that we're going to this dance thing together and not call it that word?" He wrinkles his nose a bit.

Why is he so caught up on the whole 'date' thing? He's the one who asked me out in that hella romantic way earlier! "Yeah, I suppose," I look back ahead, hiding my slight upset. Well, labels don't truly matter, so long as I'm with Jeff, I'm happy.

We head inside the school and go to the gymnasium. Everything is still how we decorated it from before, except now the lights are down and those fancy colored lights are flashing all around the room.

Everyone scatters to go do different things, BEN heads to the DJ booth, Masky goes over to the photo booth and my Uncles go to different sides of the gym. Each of them keeping an eye on all the activity going on.

I look over to Liu and Q who are standing beside Jeff and I. "Let's get our photo taken first!" Q beams and drags us all over.

"I don't like my picture being taken," Jeff scowls trying to getaway.

Liu places an arm over his brother's shoulders, "come on Jeff! It won't kill you."

"Yes it will," Jeff huffs.

"No, it won't, but I will if you don't perk up. Tonight's supposed to be fun!," I give him a semi-serious, semi-playful look and Jeff knows he needs to comply.

"Fineeeeeeee," Jeff gives in, "only because I'm not in the mood to get stabbed by your nails again."

"Yes! I win!," I laugh and we all drag him over.

"Us first!," Q declares, she pulls Liu with her in front of the blood-red and black polka dotted curtain.

"Alright, say cheese," Masky hums.

Liu pulls Q close and looks directly into her eyes. Soft smiles find both of their faces while they wait for the camera to flash.

Masky presses the screen instead of the button though. He frowns and continues pressing the screen, "this...why isn't this working?! Damn it!" Jeff and I begin to snicker and a quick look of impatience crosses Q's face. "This is why Hoodie handles the cameras!" Masky fumes. Suddenly Hoodie appears as if summoned by the mention of his name. "Hoodie, this isn't working!" Masky motions to the camera. Hoodie gives him a quick, 'don't be stupid,' look before pressing the button. Q quickly goes back to having her smile before the camera flashes taking the picture of the two of them. "I thought it was a touch screen camera," Masky mask-palms not believing he did that.

Jeff and I burst into laughter on the sidelines not believing he really couldn't figure it out. Our laughter must have caught his attention because we can now feel his burning glare on us. "Would you two shut up and just get in front of the camera?!" Masky points to the curtain.

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