Her First Ever Date!

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*What she's wearing on it, not my pic*

*Demons POV*

"So Sally what do you wanna play now?," I smile. After everything that happened with Dad, EJ said he had to go do things. That was hours ago though, and I kinda miss him. To occupy myself I decided to play tea party with Dad and Sally, we just finished and Dad just left.

"Let's play makeover!" she beams.

"Uh," I try to think of an excuse not to, I so do not want to end up like a clown!

"Come on!" she giggles.

"I dunno Sally," I mumble awkwardly rubbing my arm.

"Please? I promise to make you look really pretty," she begs, jutting out her bottom lip and giving me the puppy eyes. ACK! NOT THE PUPPY EYES THEY'RE MY ONE WEAKNESS.

"Fine!," I huff giving in.

"Yeah!," she squeals.

"Stay right here sissy!" she demands running over to her dress up box. I watch her dig into it and internally groan, please don't let me regret this. Feeling a tug in my pants I look down and see Charlie staring up at me. 

"Don't worry about Sally doing your makeup or anything she hates makeup," he explains. I instantly perk up, yay! Less chance of me looking like a clown!

"Okay, that's for telling me Charlie," I pat his head and he grumbles sitting back down on Sally's bed.

"Here Demon!," turning back to Sally she's holding a pink dress with a red choker type thing attached to it, bunny ears, yellow ribbon, and purple ribbon. I raise an eyebrow as she shoves the dress at me. "Put it on!" she demands.

"Okay, okay, you're being pushy today," I chuckle, after quickly changing in the bathroom I go back in Sally's room sitting back down on the small plastic chair I was sitting on earlier.

"You look so pretty! I wish I was as pretty as you," sighs Sally putting her head down.

"Hey! Don't you dare say that again!," lifting Sally's face I look in those sparkling emerald eyes of hers. "You are one of the prettiest little girls I've ever met, and don't you ever think the opposite, okay?," I say softly yet firmly, making sure to get the point across to her small 8-year-old brain.

"Okay Demon," she hugs me tightly then pulls back picking up the bunny ears and purple ribbon. She ties the ribbon around each ear making a large bow then places it on my head after she takes the yellow ribbon and ties individual cuffs of if around each of my wrists. "Done!," she beams. Pulling me off the chair she drags me over to a full-length mirror, I stare at myself and smile. This outfit makes me look a little too innocent, but I don't care. It's cute.

"He's gonna love it!" squeals Sally jumping in her spot.

"He?," I turn to look at her and she clamps a hand over her mouth. "Who's he?" what is she planning now?

"No one! I- uh have to go wash my fish, uh, yeah, fish," she quickly runs out of the room grabbing Charlie as she goes. Fish? She doesn't have a fish. Just a psycho teddy bear. Somethings fishy. Heh. Fishy. Chuckling to myself I go downstairs only to find it empty. This is weird, usually Ben is playing video games, or Dad is reading a book. Going into the kitchen I see that is also empty, what? EJ is usually in here enjoying a nice kidney. Frowning I check all the bedrooms, and even bathrooms in the house, only to find it all empty! WHERE IS EVERYONE?! DON'T THEY KNOW I HATE BEING ALONE?! Scowling I go back downstairs, right as I'm about to rip off my bunny ears I see EJ by the mansion doors.

"EJ," sighing happily I walk up to him bear hugging him. "I thought I was all alone," I whimper pulling him closer, one of my worst fears is being alone and losing my family.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted everyone out of the mansion," he chuckles.

"Why?," I look up at him then realize he's not wearing his mask which surprises me.

"Because, I don't want any interruptions, during our first date," he grins and starts pulling me upstairs.

"My Dad is actually trusting us to leave us all alone in the mansion?," I chuckle not believing it, my Dad would not allow this.

"No, he's still here, he said he's going to be our 'waiter' the evening," laughs Ej.

"Saw that coming," giggling he opens big wooden doors that I know very well. We walk onto the large balcony and I gasp. Fairy lights are hanging everywhere on the large balcony. There's a small table in the center of it with two chairs and candles. White rose petals are scattered around and looking up I see the full moon with stars surrounding it. "It's so pretty," I gasp turning around to face Ej.

He shrugs and smiles, "it's nothing honestly, I just wanted you to have a great first date, so I figured, Dinner under the stars," I walk over and hug him, who knew a cannibal could be so romantic?

"Come on let's go sit," he chuckles and we sit down at the table smiling our faces off.

"What would you like to drink," sighs my Dad teleporting in front of the table. I put my hand over my mouth holding back my giggles as I scan him over. He's wearing a waiters uniform complete with his 'Kiss the Killer,' apron, he has a white towel draped over one arm, and omg, a fake mustache is on his no face right where his nose would be!

"Two cups of blood," shrugs Ej, my Dad looks over at me and gives me a small invisible smile before teleporting away. Unable to contain my laughter anymore I clutch my stomach laughing.

"I can't believe Dad would actually wear that!," I giggle continuing to laugh.

"Sally probably forced him into it," snickers EJ.

"Yeah your probably right," I grin and my Dad reappears. He hands us two cups of blood and two plates, mine has a Nutella and fluff sandwich, chips, and applesauce and EJ has two kidneys. "Thanks, Dad!," I beam.

"No problem dear," he teleports away and I take a bite out of my sandwich.

"How is it?," asks EJ smiling.

"DELICIOUS!," I smile and continue eating. We eat our meal talking and laughing during the whole date. It was amazing. Soon enough though, EJ had to walk me back to my room. "I had a great time tonight EJ," I blush as he smiles gently at me.

"I'm glad, I had a great time to Demon," he blushes too and kisses my cheek. "Night," he walks away and I go in my room spinning.

"Tonight was amazing," I sigh. I take off my bunny ears and place them on my dresser.  Opening my drawers I take out a pair of gray sweats and a purple tank top, I take off the ribbons on my wrist and my dress changing into the sweats and tank top. After I go to walk away when I see something on the floor out of the corner of my eye. Bending down I pick it up and see it's the picture of the dance with Jeff and Liu when did this fall off of my mirror? I smile softly down at the picture, I hope they're doing okay. Taking the tape from out of a drawer of my desk I tape the picture on the mirror this time and stare at it, guilt filling my chest. Why do I feel so guilty all of a sudden? Shrugging it off I climb into bed no longer thinking of EJ, but of Jeffery Woods.




That's all I wanted to say!



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