Chapter 3.

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As the pale light of dawn crept up the stone walls of the manor, the glow spilt through the glass of the windows and into the corridors, painting everything a pale shade of peach. Ciel's curtains remained firmly closed despite the fact it was past time for him to rise, as his butler thought it best to allow him to sleep in after his ordeal.

However, when the boy's eyes did eventually open and alight upon the clock Sebastian realised he may not have made the best decision after all.

The bell rang down in the kitchen, and Sebastian began walking up to his master's chambers with his morning tea ready. Even though it was only a simple ring of the bell the demon knew his master was angry with him.

"Good morning, My Lord. You slept well, I trust?"

Said Sebastian, closing the bedroom door behind him and setting the silver tray down on the bedside table. Ciel simply sat in bed and glared at him. Though, despite his best efforts, his butler's words and apparent concern for his wellbeing caught the Earl off guard, which caused him to snap out of sheer tiredness and frustration.

"What do you mean, "good morning?" Good morning? How is it? Why did you not wake me up, Sebastian? It's already past nine o'clock and I've only just risen! How dare you neglect your duties! Just what have you been doing all this time, you damn demon?"

The child's voice was raised and he was clearly fuming, though his ruffled hair and crumpled nightshirt made the image all the more amusing for Sebastian. Resisting the urge to chuckle he dropped to one knee and placed a hand over his chest.

"Forgive me, My Lord. I only thought it may benefit your health to allow you a little longer to rest this morning, especially after yesterday's events. I was merely prioritizing your wellbeing. I made a grave mistake in not consulting you first, and it shall not happen again."

With his usual formality and respect the demon bowed to his master, his apology sounding as genuine as it's possible for words coming from the lips of hell's spawn to be.
Ciel still remained as he was, a cold and furious look upon his face.

"Fine, whatever. But I order you to never do such a thing again, am I clear?"

He replied begrudgingly, pushing the covers back as he dangled his dainty feet off of the edge of the bed.

"Perfectly, My Lord."

Sebastian stood up and proceeded to serve his master's tea, before preparing his clothes for the day.

"What do I have on my schedule, Sebastian?"

The boy sipped at his tea, not even bothering to look at his butler as he laid out fresh clothes beside him on the bed.

"As a matter of fact, My Lord, you have nothing planned for today. There is some paperwork for you to attend to, but other than that your schedule is free."

Replied the demon, and as the Earl finished drinking he began to undress him.

Hmph. He had better be glad my day is free. If I had been busy and I was up late I probably would have killed him.

Thought Ciel, paying absolutely no attention to Sebastian as he removed his nightshirt and began to dress him.

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