Chapter 14.

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Elizabeth embraced her fiancé after an eventful weekend spent in his company. The carriage that waited for her was already loaded with shopping bags and cases for all the things she had bought. Paula stood by the carriage door as the pair said their goodbyes.

"Oh Ciel, thank you for letting me stay! I'll miss you."

"It's fine Lizzy. I'll miss you too."

The blonde release her betrothed and walked over to the carriage, climbing inside before Paula. As the horses sprang up into a swift working trot the Earl turned to his butler, who had retained the same emotionless approach for the whole weekend.

"Well, I must say I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. Perhaps she should come again sometime."

He said with a smirk, hiding his sarcasm before walking straight inside. Sebastian followed him to his study with an unimpressed look.

"Why are you following me?"

Questioned the Earl, turning to face the demon as he reached his desk.

"Because, My Lord, I'll freely admit your little display has been getting on my nerves."

Replied the butler, and the boy's smirk only widened.

"Indeed? Well, I must say that look you gave me wasn't exactly friendly."

He said smugly. The demon was at the end of his tether. He stalked over and pushed his master up against the wall, pinning him back so he could hardly move. Without hesitation he bent down and crashed his lips into Ciel's, picking him up and kissing him deeply. He pushed against his master's soft lips to try and gain entrance but was met once again with a firm denial.
Smirking into the kiss, Sebastian gently lowered one hand and squeezed the boy's thigh. The resulting gasp gave the raven haired male the opening he needed to slip his tongue inside Ciel's mouth. They quickly began a battle for dominance which, of course, the butler won, his tongue exploring every inch of the boy's petite mouth, causing the Earl to occasionally let a soft moan escape his lips.
Wrapping his small arms around the butler's neck Ciel buried his hands into that perfect hair, leaning forwards into the kiss.
The pair remained entwined in a passionate display of affection for some time, losing track of the minutes as they passed.

Eventually it was Sebastian who broke the kiss, opening his crimson eyes slowly and staring down at the boy he held close. With a single, slow movement the butler undid the slipknot of his master's eye patch and let it fall to the floor.

"Servant I may be, but you are mine. Mine and no one else's."

He purred, not blinking as Ciel stared deeply back into his eyes.

"And you are mine. You are never to leave me, Sebastian. And that's an order."

Replied the Earl, blinking once, slowly, watching for a reaction. The demon smirked and leaned in again to peck the boy's lips.

"I would never dream of doing so, My Lord."

The conformation and solidarity of an order and Sebastian's acceptance of it reassured Ciel, and he buried his face in his butler's neck.


Murmured the Earl, blushing a little but smiling softly as Sebastian began to rub the back of his head affectionately.

"My Lord... I know it hasn't been long since I first told you of my feelings. Not even a fortnight, in fact. I never though that, in such a short space of time, I would come to accept the fact that your soul is not all I want. I don't want your body, I don't want your soul... I just want you."

The demon looked a little embarrassed by his confession, having not expected his words to sound quite so... Soppy. However, Ciel didn't seem to mind, as he simply leaned up and kissed the butler's cheek gently.

"And I want you, Sebastian. By my side, until the end."

He whispered, a soft smile dancing on his delicate lips and making him appear even more beautiful to Sebastian than he already did.

"My Lord... I..."

The demon paused for a moment, before steeling himself to say the three words he thought he never would.

"I love you."

His voice was but a whisper in the silent room, and those three simple words made the Earl's smile widen and his eyes soften.

"I love you too, Sebastian."

The fact that Ciel hadn't even hesitated to respond caused Sebastian to smile softly, for once genuinely happy and not through causing anyone else pain, but by bringing them joy. It was a feeling he had never experienced, and he wished it would last forever.


Sorry if any of the characters seem OOC, but I keep writing these chapters late at night when I should be sleeping. X3 My brain doesn't quite do what I want it to at this time of night.

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