Chapter 20.

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A knock on the polished wooden door broke the silence, though the sound was not an unwanted one.

"Master, are you awake?"

The soft voice of his butler floated in from the behind the door, and Ciel sat up quickly. He immediately regretted that as he felt a twinge and began to cough again.

"Y-Yes. Come in."

He said between coughs, and Sebastian entered the room. He quickly poured a glass of water and sat down on the edge of the bed.


He murmured, and Ciel sipped the water as his coughs faded.

"Thank you... I thought I ordered you to rest."

He said, though he sounded more concerned than ungrateful. With a small smile Sebastian leaned over and kissed his forehead softly.

"I'm fine. And don't worry, I haven't done any work. I just wanted to see how you were."

At that Ciel smiled and leaned up, shifting across the bed until he sat on the demon's lap.

"I'm okay. It's only asthma... Your wounds are far worse than a coughing fit."

He worriedly ran a finger lightly over Sebastian's bandages, only just visible beneath his shirt.

"My injuries have already begun to heal. It will only take about three days for them to heal completely and I shall resume my duties."

Ciel nodded slightly, closing his eyes and burying his face in Sebastian's good shoulder.

"Please just promise me... You won't get yourself hurt like that again."

His voice was muffled but Sebastian nodded, resting a gloved hand on his master's head.

"I promise, Ciel. You have my word."

Ciel leaned up and, with a soft smile, kissed the raven haired male softly and lovingly. Sebastian ran his slender fingers through the Earl's blue grey hair, savouring the moment.

I love him... That I now know for sure. But when all of this ends... I just don't know what I'm going to do.

Soon enough, however, his troubled thoughts melted away as he gave in to the love and affection of his master.


The sound of footsteps outside shattered the moment and the pair leapt apart as though they had been scalded, sparking yet another of the Earl's coughing fits while Sebastian poured another glass of water. Tanaka knocked on the door and stepped in with a tray that carried Ciel's lunch.

"Your lunch, young Master."

He said, and as the boy put the water down he leaned forwards for his lunch. The tray was placed lightly on his lap before the elderly butler excused himself. Ciel sat up in bed to eat his soup, while Sebastian watched with soft, crimson eyes.
After a few minutes Ciel noticed the pair of eyes watching him, and as he looked up the boy's pale face flushed a light pink.

"Must you stare at me like that, Sebastian? I'm only eating soup."

He said quietly, and as the demon chuckled he quickly returned to his soup.

"I'm sorry. I just can't quite seem to help myself. You are very captivating after all."

His response only served to fluster the young Earl even more, to the point where his face had almost turned the same colour as his soup. Sebastian chuckled again before leaning slowly forwards until his nose was but a few centimetres from that of his master. Staring into that one beautiful azure eye, he licked the boy's bottom lip and Ciel felt a shiver run down his spine.

"There was a crumb of bread on your lip."

Murmured Sebastian, a small smile dancing on his lips. Ciel's gaze quickly dropped down to his dinner as he continued to eat. The butler sat upright, the same mischievous smile gracing his pale face until his lord and master had finished his food.

"If you are feeling better, Master, then I shall take my leave and allow you to recover."

He said with a bow, reluctant to leave Ciel alone but wanting to do what was best for him.

"I am feeling a little better... But you don't have to go."

Replied Ciel, his blush having faded by then. With a nod Sebastian picked up the tray and moved it to the bedside cabinet, obeying his orders and not clearing anything away.

"Very well, I will stay."

Silently Ciel shifted so his side rested against Sebastian. He snuggled up to the raven haired male and laid his head on his shoulder, comforted by the warm embrace of his butler.


He murmured, his eyes half lidded.

"Yes, Ciel?"

"I can be happy... Knowing that I will die by your hands, and yours alone. That is a death I can live with."

His eye patch now laid on the bed and mismatched eyes met crimson, until they drifted closed and the Earl slipped into a light, peaceful sleep cradled in Sebastian's arms.

"I love you, Ciel..."

With saddened eyes the demon looked down at the boy, burying his face in his blue-grey hair and breathing in his sweet scent.

_He may be happy to die like that... But I don't know if I am happy to do it._

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