<3 Thank you!!! <3

4.7K 125 5

Hi guys! It's been a while since I did anything on here, so sorry for the absence - school's really been dragging me down for a while and it's difficult to find much time ;-;

But I opened this up yesterday and noticed this story has reached 80K reads! Wow!

I actually couldn't believe that number when I saw it, it's absolutely incredible. I never believed this story would be popular, let alone continue to be read for this long after I finished publishing it. I am so, so so so grateful for absolutely all of you, you're all angels and you make my life so much more worth living =^u^= Thank you so much for sticking with this story, each and every one of you, whether you found it at the start or whether you've only just come across it, I'm just as grateful for all of you. I never believed it would get this far and I'm so very happy that it has.

I know I did promise a sequel and some oneshots when this book was completed... And I'm so sorry I haven't had the time to make that happen. I'm hoping that over the summer once my exams are finished I might get the chance to come back to this, because I still love this work and I'd love to be able to revisit the story. A sequel might not be on the cards just yet, but I am considering a (fairly minor) rewrite of this book to correct a few bits, being as I did publish at least half of it at three am >u<
If there's anything you guys would really like to see me do then let me know in the comments - unfortunately I can't make any guarantees because I do have to find a job, but I promise I'll try my hardest to make it happen.

So thank you all once again guys, it really does mean the world to me and I love you all <3

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