Chapter 6.

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For the second time in three days Ciel woke from a nightmare. Tears streaked his face and his forehead was beaded with sweat.

"My Lord? Are you alright? May I come in?"

Once again the butler knocked on the door, and once again the boy answered.


Sebastian stepped through the door with a worried expression, closing it softly behind him.

"You called, Sir?"

The Earl paused, rather confused.

"No, I didn't. Why?"

"I heard you call for me, My Lord. That is why I came."

Sebastian was clearly puzzled by his master's response, but quickly concluded that he must have called out in his sleep.

"No. You are mistaken."

The boy turned his face away, embarrassed that he had shown such weakness to a servant.

"My Lord... This is the second time in just three days you have been awake like this. It just isn't like you. For only a moment, please forget about showing weakness and talk. I know there is something wrong and I would appreciate it if, just this once, you would confide in someone. You cannot bear all of your burdens alone, My Lord. It isn't good for your health or your mind."

His words seemed so sincere, so heartfelt, and Ciel was well and truly stunned into silence. He sat there with a blank expression, before drawing his knees up to his chest and bowing his head.

"Sebastian... You are a demon. Your kind cannot feel emotion; you told me that yourself. Why is it you insist on acting like you care? Even if I explained this to you a thousand times you would never be capable of understanding. And besides... I shouldn't be so weak. Especially in front of a servant."

The Earl's last sentence seemed to upset Sebastian. He turned his gaze away and, surprisingly, looked to be extremely hurt by that comment.

I supposed he is right... I am only a servant to him, after all. And perhaps it is true. I cannot feel emotion or love. Can I?

The gap in conversation stretched out into a long, uncomfortable silence, before the butler finally spoke.

"If I may, I shall take my leave now, Sir. I have tasks to attend to."

His voice was quiet and almost saddened, which made the boy look up from where he sat.


Laying his head down Ciel slipped back under the covers, and the demon turned and slowly left the room. As he walked down the corridor he felt strange, some kind of new sensation he just couldn't pin down.

Is this... What sadness feels like?

He wondered to himself, a melancholy expression on his pale face. With heavy steps Sebastian made his way back to his own bedroom and, for the first time in months, he laid down on his bed to rest.

Why must I feel this way? Surely I cannot have grown attached to my master. The very notion is unthinkable... And yet... I cannot deny my instincts. Is it truly possible for a demon like myself to learn to love?

Meanwhile, Ciel lay in his own bed staring at the wall, confused by his butler's reaction.

What was it that made him look like that? Was it something I said? Could it be possible that I hurt him?

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