Chapter 5

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Elison pov

The next day came up on us as the wind blowed through the cracks in the cave giving a whistling sound. I wokw up seeing jack sleeping peacefully on the floor. Poor kid he's just like me but only he has no one left. I took a deep stretch and walked out of the cave to look and the new bright day. Snows still present but it wasnt as cold as the first. And my brother i hate him ive been out here for two days and he havn't come for me as yet wow now i have to find my way home. I walked back into the cave and saw that jack was getting up.

"Good morning jacky", he replied with a huge yawn and snapped his mouth twice

"Good morning elly where are you off to?"

"To find my home"


"Yea so come on friend ", i pulled him up and dragged him while we ran through the snow. It was a very long wrong until he let go of my hand and dropped dead on his knees.

"Elly i cant go any further my feet hurt and im hungry"

"Come on we can't stop now"

"Uuuurgh how much further until we reach your families territory"

"I think its a bit more north"

"Are you sure elly?"

"Yes "

"Ok", he took a while to stand on his feet because he was tired so i walked with him so he could regain energy.

"So umh....elly?"


"Can i ask you a question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"What's your people like or your family? "

"Umh....i don't really know but ive grown up with my father and my brother ethan and there good people and i love them how about your people?"

"Well they are very peaceful especially my father he never loved to fight nor kill but he always thought me to fight for what i love and i will"

"Yea i guess that's true "

"Yea but i don't see why our people have to fight tho elly"

"Me neither but we will become future kings and some day when you start your own clan jack we will merge them so no one will ever fight again"

"Yea promise "

"Promise ", jack and i became good friends and we promised to protect each other. The journey was long and boring. I held my head down and watch my foot sink into the snow one step at a time until i felt some thing cold hit me in my head.

"Ouch jack that's cold", he looked at me with a smirk and three more snow balls in his hand. I smirked back at him and gathered a few snow balls.

"So that's how you wanna play then come on",

Narrator's pov

The kids played for a while never noticing they were in another pack of wolfs territory. It was three wild hunter wolfs. They stood tall watching the kids play as the eldest one spoke.

"A bunch of young bloods in our territory lets give them a warm welcome ",

They surrounded them while they were still playing as elison through the last ball at jack it missed hitting one of them that was slowly approching behind jack.

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