Chapter 3

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Well,Miguel zarah and i would love to say thanks and we hope you like this chapter.Remember not to be a silent reader,vote and comment and tell us what you think-LocalTahj

Ethan's pov

Aaah...what a little grunt my brother is and how stupid of my father to think he will rule. Such a soft hearted and weak child he is i doubt he will become stronger. Maybe ill just kill him now for he isn't worth my time. But killing him when he hasn't awaken his element will not give me more power a king must not give up. For now i just need to gather a strong pack to defeat the liekens or ill just take them all on by my self and snap little lieky's neck and turn him to ashes to nothing. How powerful i am.

Narrators pov

While ethan relaxed him self poor elison was stunned by the sight of his father wasted by the river bed. Little did he know his own brother did this.

Elison pov

When i got over to the body i knew for sure that's where the scent is coming from. I looked carefully and noticed it was my father. Who,who could have done such a thing and why his he like this he's a were wolf, were wolfs dont die right.

"Father wake up, father wake up", i pumped his chest as much as i could listened to his heart beat. There was no sounf coming from it no breath left in him i cried so much tears filled my eyes cutting out my vision.

"You cant leave us like this father you just cant...... ", as the snow got thicker i dragged him to a near by rock and dug a hole for his body. as i continued to dig as saw some thing shining from my father's chest. It looked like a bullet. I tore piece of his clothing and gently jammed my claws in his wound and took out thr bullet. I wrapped it in the cloth and pushed it into my pants pocket i sat looking at my father and tears came to my eyes again i wiped them away and made a promise to him. I will become stronger for him and mother and i will find the killer of my parents. I rest his body into the hole and covered it up making some markings on the rock.


I got up and continued walking through the thick snow. My limbs were getting weak but i have to find shelter until i can get home.

Narrator's pov

Mean while in the liekens village their was a boy by the name of jack. He was the son of the king his father loves him and he also loves his father. Just like elison his mother died but only not by some ones hand she died giving birth to Jack. He is a very peaceful and loving boy who always cared about others. But he was special he has the blood of lieken and artic and the heart of a human. Even tho the kings wife was apart of the artic clan he imprinted on her and she left the artic clan to be with him. The two wife's died on the very same day and the clans became enemies war after war after war and soon there will be another. The king of the liekens was getting old but he always had the will to fight his foes. He would always try his best to protect his clan no matter what. He played all of Jack's little games every day for he loves to see him happy. Mean while ethan was still at the cabin relax while his brother is there battling the snow. Suddenly he saw Adam and loeky coming. Adam is a convel wolf born to fight inspite of his young age.

"You called for me ethan?"

"Ha ha no no no little Adam from now i am your king"

"Oh im sorry your majesty did you call me?", he said in a teasish voice. Ethan's face changed and had his hand at Adams throat in one second.

"Listen you fool i will not be mocked by your presence and try not to be a better clown than you already are ", he pushed him on the ground with a evil smirk on his face and Adam stremmbled.

"Now i called you two because i think we need to pay the liekens a visit"

"Just us?"

"Yes loeky just us they cant arm us not when i have my new power"

"What new power ?" Adam asked dumbfounded.

"You'll see if you test my faith again now get your paws ready and lets get moving"

"Yes master ", they both answered in unison. They sat out for the liekens village and was there in the nick of time.

"So what should we do now? ", loeky asked

"Just be quiet and follow me ", they went down to the village into their human forms slowly walking and observing the place.

Jacks pov

While i was playing game's with my father i started to hear my people screaming and shouting artic wolf's my dad sprung up and walked out side of our tent i followed behind him wall he pushed me in the hands of one of our warrior's. There were just three of them a little boy who looked like he was around six the same age as i am and two other big one's who looked like young adults. The one in the middle looked the strongest with pitch black eyes and his hair covering them up faintly. i couldn't really make out there faces for the warrior's were standing infront of me.

"Jack take my power and get out of here it will make you stronger, get to higher grounds get as far as you can from here", my father said to me with fear in his eyes,", and never look back", i got scared and did what he told me to do. Some of his power was transferred to me and  i ran holding my head low never to look behind and went as far as i could from the village.

Narrator's pov

"WHAT DO YOU WANT HERE?", king heran asked them with straight venom in his voice as the villagers gathered to see what was going on.

"Is this how you welcome your new king ha ha?", ethan spoke with glee in his voice.

"What new king i am the ruler of this territory and i am warning you to get out"

"Now now herry dont get angry i just wanted to declare some thing to you and your people", ethan turned his back and held his arms out spinning and looking at the villagers," i am ethan once was the son of roland the king of the artic clan but now he's dead i found out he wasn't fit for a king so i took his place and now the artic clan is no more we are alpha helix and i will be your new ruler and you all will serve me"

The liekens got ready in action to show ethan how stupid he was and sounded.

"NEVEEEEEER!!!", they shouted charging at loeky ethan and adam. While they charged closer to him they left a small amount of space from king heran. He looked him in the eye and smirked evily. Dashing in the blink of and and snatched him head right off his body. The warriors stopped looking at ethan with their kings head.

"Kill them", was the command ethan gave loeky and adam as they went wild killing every villager even babies they spared no one. After slaughtering every last lieken ethan took king herans remaining power for him self and throwed his head in a fire than was there.

"Yes this is what we will do burn every one to nothing", they set the entire village a blaze and rushed back to there territory. Every thing the liekens onced had was gone in only one day even there lives. Jack ran through the snow going north as he felt the spirit of his people fade. He stopped and looked in the direction his village is and saw smoke coming from there his father's words kept pounding him in the head,"jack get out of her never look back", he continued to run until he met up at a cave. He slowed down to catch his breath as he shivered to the winter cold. He walked into the cave as sat by a rock crying him self to sleep while he had no where to go or any one left to turn to. The father he loved and also his people are now gone as the breeze blew there ashes into the thick layers of snow.

Boom another chappy guys yes another one(dj khalid voice) hope yall like it coming from the crew remember to vote and comment what you yall think i promise to answer what ever you wanna ask if you love it continue reading and thanks for the support ight peace..........✌

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