Chapter 6

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Narrator's pov

They finally got home to the cabin and jack and elison got off Ethan's back.

"Get inside you too i come speak to you very soon", elison grabbed jacks hand pulling him inside. Suddenly loeky walked up through the snowy forest with happinest.

"Master every thing went well"

"Yes it did loeky but we missed one you said it was every one "

"Well i didn't know about him maybe he's the king's son i saw him ran off before we began to battle", ethan looked at loeky with straight annoyance in his eyes and grabbed loeky's neck

"How can you keep this from me?"

"Caaa-caaa.....t-the good thing i-is that we have him ju-just where we want h-him"

"Yes yes that's true be gone now loeky", loeky massaged his throat and walked away. Later they went hunting and caught a deer. They roasted it by the fire they feist until ethan spoke to jack.

"So what's your name "

" jack"

"Jack i am ethan the king of the alpha helix"

"Brother we are not alpha helix we are the artic clan", elison interrupted

"Be quiet elison and eat your food before i eat it for you"

"As i was saying jack welcome"

"Thank you"

"So what clan are you from ", ethan asked with a evil smirk on his face.

"Umh...the liekens"

"Really that's interesting you have heard about our clan history of clashes right?"

"Yes i have but i want to make a change elison and i will be king and we will change thing", Ethan's face expression changed and he got up.

"You guys have to go to bed elison and you will be going to school "

"School?", jack asked dumb founded

"Dont worry jacky its where all children go its awesome and we always get to play and draw"

"really that sounds fun"

"Yes it is", suddenly there was a knock on the cabbin door. Elison got up from his spot and opened the door.

"Adam what are you doing here?"

"Move elison before i crush you", adam stormed him bumping elison and went to a room in the cabin.

"Who's that? ", jack asked

"Adam the kid he's a convel wolf and the first kid to achieve his full wolf from birth but hes and out sider i hate him"

"You do but he'll be going to school with you both starting tomorrow", ethan added to elison statement. So go off to bed now. Every one went to bed to get ready for a new day.

*next morning *

Jacks pov

We woke up the next morning to the rays of the sun destryoing our eyes. Elison got up and walked towards the bathroom to take a shower. When it was my turn to go in it looked beautiful. And the water was warm it was like i never wanted to get out. After showering elison gave me some clothes. We both wore blue jackets jeans and sneakers. Ethan took the three of us there and told us we would be trained this evening. I was very excited to go to this school. There were so many children. Adam walked off with his habds in his pocket

"Don't get lost now new kid", i just met adam and i hate his attitude. Elison pulled me to a class where other children were seated.

"You can sit with me jacky"

"Sure", we sat and talked with other children until a lady came in to teach us i guess ill enjoy like it here.

*skip to the end of school*

Elison's pov

At the end of school ethan came to pick us up. Jacky looked like he enjoyed his first day. When we got home ethan told us to lighten our selfs so we took off some of our clothing. He then took us to an open area to train. First it was me vs adam i didn't know much in combat but adam was trained for that. He stood waiting for me to make my first move.

"First to fall loses", ethan spoke, "commence!"

Adam rushed up to me and tried flipping on my back but i landed on my feet. He had some serious strength. He kicked at my face but i dipped and swung with a strong fist he blocked he almost losing balance. I had full control but adam seems to be getting angry. He rushed again diving in my stomach i stood ferm planting my feet in the ground. I hugged his stomach and suplex him to the ground.

"Nice brother adam you lose", ethan spoke,"now adam vs jack", jack got up and readied up for his battle.

"This weakling ethan you call this an opponent ", be adam could say another word jack and him right arm and flipped him to the ground.

"Adam you lost again"


"A win is a win adam", adam growled in frustration and bumped jack walking to the cabin.

"Serves him right eh jack"


"You two are strong but need more training get some rest now ", ethan said and walked off i sat out side with jack and watched the sunset it was beautiful and the snoe is slowly going away.

Ethan's pov

I must watch this jack kid he took down adam in a blink of an eye. No one has ever caught adam off guard. I could use his power well but i need them both to get stronger then it will be all mine. I walked into adams room and saw him sitting on the bed folding his arms.

"What was that out there adam how did you go down so easily", he sat silent with no replies and i hate when i am talking to some one and they ignore me. Such an arrogant fool i grabbed his hair and pulled him towards me.

"WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU ANSWER ME NOW YOU WATCH THEM BOTH AND NEVER LET THEM GET THE BEST OF YOU LIKE THAT WEAKLING", i dropped him back on the bed and walked out every thing must go as planned and any one who tries to get in my way will be destroyed.

Adam's pov

I will prove ethan wrong and he will take that back calling me a weakling. They will live to see me kill jack with my bare hands they will see.

Another update guys sorry for not updating as regular like i used to but ill try my best to keep updating. Hope you guys enjoy remember to vote and comment if u wanna coming from the crew thanks for your support ight yall peace..........✌

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