
34 1 3

Jonghyun got to the club early. He hadn't changed yet so he went directly in to the wardrobe. Siwon was there, but no one else were to spot.

"You're a rare person to see at this hour", Siwon chuckled. When Jonghyun usually got to work Siwon had already been dancing for hours.

"Yeah, an early shift I guess? It will be crowded tonight so I guess they need more people", Jonghyun stated a bit shyly. He had big respect for Siwon.

"I heard you got assigned the VIP room for the first time. Good luck in the slaughterhouse", Siwon chuckled again.

"It can't be that bad...?"

"Well, one earlier colleague of mine was raped in there so... Sorry buddy", Siwon smiled with sympathy. He went out in the bar again. Jonghyun had to prepare for this night.


"Dude I'm so psyched!", Minho cheered. Key had to admit he was kind of pumped as well. He still didn't know where they were going, but he didn't care that much.

Key was a little cautious about the looks they were getting. Key could only imagine how he and Minho looked as they were walking around. Minho was wearing a half face mask with victorian style accessories. Key was wearing a full face mask with a lot of shimmery red beads and pearls. No one would recognize him. For the occasion he had colored his hair red as well and was wearing big amounts of eyeliner. As if that wasn't enough, Minho had made him wear a ridiculous outfit consisting of tight leather pants, a blazer and a "top" he got from some bdsm store which was pretty much just some leather belts sown together here and there. You could almost see his entire upper body.

Minho on the other hand, was pretty sophisticated yet slutty in a masculine way. He was shirtless and was wearing a gold suit with black spots. His raven black hair was flicked up from his forehead, and he looked... well... yummy...

"Where exactly are we going, my hoe for the evening?", Key asked laughing discretely.

"It's this cool place called mistakes! I have a lot of friends that go there. Actually I know some of the "dancers" as well", Minho said and did air quotes.

Key felt discomfort. What if Jonghyun was there? Key couldn't exactly tell Minho that he was living with a stripper and he couldn't suddenly back out now.

"Sounds cool", he stated simply. This night was going to be something else...


As Key and Minho stepped into the club they felt the heavy air blow against their faces. This was going to get hot and heavy. Minho headed straight to the bar to buy them some drinks and Key seized the opportunity to look around.

Everyone in there was wearing masks. Even the strippers was wearing them. Out from what he saw, Key didn't see anyone to resemble Jonghyun. They were either too tall, didn't have the same hair color or wasn't built the same way as Jonghyun was. Key rested his tensed shoulders and let out a sigh in relief. He probably had the night off.

"Sex on the beach, bitcheeeeees!", Minho squeaked from behind him. "I got the cute bartender's number! I'm buying you some private time in the VIP room, you slut!"

Key just laughed and decided; this was going to be a good night.


He was exhausted. Jonghyun had already given 5 lap-dances. He needed a break. The guys in there wasn't nice and they were really into touching him all the time. He had actually gotten a bit scared a few times.

"You did well! Rest for 15 minutes and then you're back on!", his manager came in and said.

Jonghyun showed him thumbs up and went to the toilet.

It was only one bathroom and that was where everyone else in the club went, so Jonghyun was a little bit scared.

He went inside and splashed some cold water in his face before fixing his hair. A familiar face walked in.

"Hey man! How are you? Aren't you dancing today?", his friend Minho said.

"Yes I am, in the VIP room", Jonghyun smiled at him.

"Sweet! I'm here with a chingu that's going in there pretty soon. He has red hair so it's easy to spot him", Minho said.

"Is he an old creep? I'm sorry to ask but it's just that a lot of the guys today aren't that nice", Jonghyun smiled crookedly.

"No he is a pussy cat. I think he is around your age. He never really goes out so he will be really careful, I promise", Minho smiled with sympathy. "Hey, I'm having sort of a gathering soon. It's only my close friends. I thought it would be fun if we played games we played in high school like truth or dare and so on. Want to join?"

"Ehh, sure. I need some time off from everything anyways. Count me in, boo", Jonghyun said just for fun and blew Minho a kiss before putting his mask back on.

Time to go back to the VIP room soon.

As he got back to the VIP room a red haired guy was sitting on the red couch.

"Hey there! You ready for me?", Jonghyun said playfully. "Someone paid for the whole package. By the end of this you will be almost. Completely. Naked.", Jonghyun whispered the last word in this red haired stranger's ear.

"I-I don't want to make you do anything though", the guy said back.

Jonghyun thought he was so incredibly cute he had to shrug and smile.

"Want me to start, cute stranger?", Jonghyun said while biting his lip playfully.

"D-Do what you desire", the stranger said.

Jonghyun started to do his thing. After a little while he could see that the strangers pants had gotten tighter. 'He is probably sober', is what Jonghyun thought.

Almost every piece of clothing on both of them was gone and there were only their masks and their underwear left. The strangers body was so hot and Jonghyun was quite bothered.

"Want to remove that mask of yours, hot stranger?", Jonghyun said and was on his way to remove his.

"Uhh, okay", the stranger said. He was on his way to remove it as well.

"Let's drop them at the count of three, okay?", Jonghyun said.




What happened could only be described as awkward. Jonghyun was frozen. He was simply speechless. This hot red haired stranger was his ROOMMATE?!

"WHAT?!?!", Key was the first one to speak. Or scream. "I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T WORKING TODAY??"

"WAIT YOU KNEW ABOUT ME?!", Jonghyun had woken to life again.




The realization both hit them at the same time; they had undressed each other and said dirty things to eachother only minutes ago.

"Oh fuck me. This is awkward", Key said.

It might have been inappropriate, but Jonghyun couldn't contain himself any longer. He started to laugh uncontrollably. But what surprised him was, Key did too. They sat there for a while just laughing and clenching their stomachs, but after a while the laughter faded. They stopped to just look at each other. What Jonghyun did next was the most reckless thing he could do. In long terms he shouldn't have done it but he did. And it felt so right.

He kissed him.

< Ok omg this was my fave chapter. What do you think will happen between our lovebirds. I sense something cute lolz
Please comment your opinion and who is your favorite character. I'm sorry I don't write that much, it's just that school is killing meeee. Nobody told me that 10th grade would be this stressing~! >~<
Anywayyys anticipate the next chapter!
Enjoy ~xx >

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