Dinner discoveries

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The dinner was quiet. Not a comfortable, soothing quiet, but a quiet before the storm, quiet. Jonghyun startled him when he tossed his fork on his plate with salad and rubbed his eyes. Key was afraid of telling him what happened earlier.

"Are you tired, Jjong?", he dared to ask.

"Yeah. The day was kind of weird...", Jonghyun played around with the rings on his fingers and avoided eye contact.

"Weird? How?", he wanted to talk about anything other than his own day.

"Well, there's this new guy at work... that-"

"THAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON?!", Key's imagination went on overdrive.

"NO! What are you talking about? I love you. What I am trying to say is that...", he bit his lip, and Key was picturing horrible things.

"He felt me up. But I told him no! But then again... I kind of hung around with him the rest of the day...". Key was oddly relieved.

"Well, I did something worse", now it was Jonghyun's turn to freak out.

"Or, it wasn't something I did, but something Chanyeol did...", Key was really scared.

"HE RAPED YOU??? I SWEAR ILL KILL THE BITCH!", Key couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriends outburst.

"No, no nothing like that. He... kissed... me", Key was prepared for the even bigger outburst that awaited, but Jonghyun just sighed.

"I feel so much better, now that I got that off my chest. Dear god. My shoulders feel light again", he sighed and sunk down further in his chair. Key didn't know how to feel.

"So you're not mad at me? Or Chanyeol?", Key was not sure if this was a good thing or not. Did his boyfriend not care?

"Not mad, more sceptical. But I think that would go away if I knew the guy better", they went silent for a minute or so, until Jonghyun broke the silence.

"How about we invite people to dinner? You invite Chanyeol and someone else and I'll invite the new guy at work and someone else, huh? I think this would be good for both of us, don't you think?"

Key was definetly not screaming of excitement, but he wasn't opposed to the idea.

"Fine. Let's do that. Just don't flirt please", Key laughed nervously and got up to do the dishes.

"Great!", Jonghyun said.

"Just great."


The day of the dinner arrived and they were both really nervous. Key had decided to invite Chanyeol and another friend Key had met during some singing classes he used to take. Jonghyun did the same with Taemin and it seemed like he invited Kai. They also agreed to invite Minho.

Key had no idea how to cook so he decided to just order some Italian food. It was kind of ironic since he worked at a diner.

Would this be awkward? He couldn't help but feel that Jonghyun still was unsure. After all, Key hadn't stopped Chanyeol. But Jonghyun and Key had only been dating for a brief three weeks, in which they hadn't been talking about their feelings that much. But Key loved him. He genuinely loved him. He didn't doubt Jonghyun for a second. So why didn't he flinch when Chanyeol kissed him?

"Bummie, where is my tie", Jonghyun snapped Key out of his thoughts.

"It is in the nightstand drawer on my side", that was a cozy thing to say. "My side". It made Key feel good. It wiped all the other stuff away.

"They're coming in 5 minutes or so", he said to Key. It was fine now. He wasn't concerned anymore.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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