When the signs play Santa

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Aries - Toy guns, gold coins, adventure maps

Taurus - Chocolate, video games, a comforter

Gemini - Dungeons and Dragons, Let's Go! Italy, jigsaw puzzles

Cancer - aquarium, toy train, baby doll

Leo - miniature Porsche, Rolex, Oakley shades

Virgo - embroidery kit, latex gloves, antibiotic soap

Libra - How to Win Friends and Influence People, gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, violin

Scorpio - Picture book of medieval torture devices, "The Count of Monte Cristo", ant farm

Sagittarius - Jumbo crayons, hula hoops, Swiss Army knives

Capricorn - Joke book, "Think Rich", coal

Aquarius - Third world dolls, organic oranges, Dr. Seuss on recycled paper

Pisces - kaleidoscope, biography of Jesus, goldfish

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