chapter seven

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I woke up the next day out of pure adrenaline and excitement. We were playing our show tonight and I don't think I would ever feel ready. I got up quickly so I would have time to
run. I went down to the gym to find Calum and Ashton already there. I hoped the wouldn't notice me as I went on the treadmill to run.

I put headphones in and listened to the best pump up music I could find. I needed to get rid of the knots forming in my stomach. As I ran, I slowly cleared my head of things about the show. Instead I thought of my sister. I missed her so much it hurt, but it was hard to talk to her when she was so busy with softball. Not to mention the fact that I was on a completely different time table than her.

I missed my parents as well. I missed them far too often, no matter how angry I was at my mother. I wonder what my dad thought when he came home that night to find that my mother had kicked me out. The thought just made my heart hurt.

"Keturah," I heard Ashton say. He stepped on to the treadmill next to me and smiled.

"Hey," I smiled. It was weird because I always knew of Ashton Irwin. He was best friends with Calum and his other friends, but I had never met him until now considering he had gone to a different high school. It was strange to see him actually be a person in front of me as apposed to being he mentioned in Calum's stories.

"Are you excited?" He asked.

"Definitely," I assured him. I didn't have the energy to explain to him how terrified I was of performing tonight. Before I could say anything else, Luke's laugh filled the room. I looked as Mason and Luke walked in. I wasn't surprised that Mason had him laughing. He always had such funny remarks.

"Anyways, is Luke short for anything?" Mason asked.

"Yeah," Calum said now as he walked towards them. "Lucifer."


I sat at my desk, trying to focus on my paper, but the loud voices in the classroom prevented any further productivity.

"Can I ask you a girl question?" Calum asked me. I looked over at him, confused that he still tried talking to me. Many times before I had tried to show the least interest possible in him.

"I guess," I sighed.

"Alright, my best friend Luke, you might know him. Luke Hemmings? Anyways, he wants to make a good impression on this girl. But she doesn't know exactly what she likes," he explained.

"You can never go wrong with flowers? Or small acts of kindness?" I shrugged.

"Great, thanks," he smiled and looked down at his phone for the millionth time.

I had completely given up on trying to finish my English paper in class and only tapped my pencil on the desk. I actually wanted to ask Calum a question, but I felt weird engaging in social encounters with Calum Hood, captain of soccer, high school star and jock. I tried to fight my own instincts that told me to turn to him, but curiosity got the best of me.

"Is Luke short for anything," I asked him.

He looked up at his phone with a friendly look on his face and said, "No, not that I know of."

I thought for a second and smiled. "He told you not to tell anyone what it is. He's embarrassed, huh? Don't worry, I get it."

"What? No-"

"Tell Lucifer that I won't tell anyone his secret," I giggled.

"Oh," Calum laughed. "That's funny! I'm going to remember that!"

I chuckled at his reaction and went back to tapping my pencil.

"Is your name short for anything?" He asked.

"No," I lied. "No it's not."

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