chapter twenty-two

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HI i'm so sorry it took me 5billion yrs to post. my life got a little crazy and I am just now getting back to my regular everyday life so here ya go

I left the hotel with my band and entered the arena ready to rehears a bit. I hadn't talked to Calum at all since yesterday and I didn't exactly plan to. I didn't want to be the clingy girlfriend I was being so I decided to lay low. In the words of Roy this morning, 'he would come around eventually.'

We rehearsed for an hour and as we did I saw Michael and Calum sit out in the chairs. I ignored them as much as I could and focused on the rehearsal. It became extremely difficult, especially when Nia came out and sat right next to Calum. I forced the bitterness away and reminded myself that Calum was happy and that was what mattered.

As soon as the rehearsal ended I moved to the green room to look for food. I was starving and in need of some coffee. I sat down and scrolled through twitter.

"Hey stranger," Calum said as he sat down next to me.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Sorry, i've been catching up like crazy with Nia and I realized I haven't talked to you... hardly at all."

"Mm," I scrunched up my nose. "I hadn't noticed."

"Sorry," He gave a pouty face and leaned his head against my shoulder. "But, good news is I'm really good at making things up."

"Try me," I smiled.

"Alright, well first of all we're going to have the best dinner that room service can provide; second,we're going to have champaign - lots of it; and third, a very, very, very long and fun night," He smirked.

I felt my face flush and my heart sped up.

"Sound good?" He asked.

"Uh," I couldn't quite get the words out.

"Good," He smiled. "I have to go rehearse. Later." He kissed my cheek and walked out of the room, leaving me flustered and alone.


I wasn't exactly sure what to do with myself after I had two cups of coffee. My energy was off the wall and the only thing I could think of was to walk around. As I did, I suddenly made it a goal to find Calum. I looked in his dressing room first, my dressing room, and then I made my way to Hey Violets.

Calum walked out of the dressing room just as I walked towards the door.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey, i'll be right back. I need to grab something. Go hang out with Nia," he said.

"Oh, okay," I nodded. I nervously walked in to the room where Nia laid on her back. She looked up at her phone with a bored face.

"Hey," I said as I sat down.

"Hey," She looked over and smiled at me. "What's up?" She set her phone down and set her attention towards me.

"I have too much caffeine in my system at the moment," I laughed. "What about you?"

"Not enough caffeine," She told me.

"So, I didn't realize how close you and Calum were," I said. "I haven't seen him at all." I realized as I said that that I sounded like a total bitch. I blushed and hoped she didn't take it the wrong way.

"Sorry about that, we had a lot to catch up on," She chuckled.

"Oh, don't be sorry. I didn't mean it the way I said it. I'm actually really happy that you're here. He's been talking about you non stop aka he missed you a lot," I assured her.

"Really, good things I hope," She smiled widely. "What did he say?"

"Just how great of a person you are, how talented you are, you're a great friend," I shrugged. "All good things, I promise."

"Alright, I managed to grab a few beers if anyone wants one?" Calum said as he walked in. "I also found a wild Casey."

"I'll take a beer, possibly five," Nia said.

"I'm good," I told him. He handed the beer to Nia and then sat down next to me. Casey sat on the same couch as Nia.

"So, i'm curious as to know how the two of you happened?" Casey said.

Calum filled the two of them in on how we became close. I was surprised at his side of the story, I was expecting the bare minimum of an explanation but fortunately he had given much more than that.

I slowly started getting to know Casey and Nia. They were more than nice and seemed to like me, but there was still a slight bitterness towards Nia. I knew I was just being crazy and pushed the feelings aside.


Room service usually wasn't the best of the best, in fact, it never was. But the food that Calum ordered was possibly the best I had ever had. It might have been because of how hungry I was, or it could have been because I was just so happy to have Calum to myself again that nothing could bring me down.

I finally told him everything about finally being and home with Roy for a while and how much fun I had doing nothing. It was great to hear how his time was with his family for a few weeks and it was nice to hear that he missed me just as much as I missed him.

"Calum," I said nervously. "Can I tell you something?"

"Always," he assured me.

"Before you get mad at me for not telling you.. I just wasn't ready for anyone to know. I promise, I trust you.. I was just scared," I explained.

"Should I be scared?" He chuckled for a second.

"I don't know," I bit my lip. "Probably not.."

He said nothing and waited for me to continue.

"My full name is Keturah Laine Morris and I used to play soccer in high school. My parents wouldn't let me do anything else with my life and I didn't know if I wanted to do anything else. But then.. I met you.."

"You mean.. in school?" Calum asked. "Wait... you went to the same high school as me?"

I nodded before continuing. "I sat next to you in English and-"

"Math. Oh my..." Calum finished for me. "You're.. Ket?"

I nodded.

"Damn," he whistled. "I knew you looked familiar.. but I would have never guessed her, I, Ket Morris.."

"You kind of inspired me to stand up to my parents and start singing."

"Really? Me? Woah," Calum smiled. "Wait, I'm confused... why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"I was... really scared that you would... well I was a loser and you were... Calum Hood.. I was always so intimidated by you so when I met you again I didn't want you to know I was that loser book nerd who was scared of you," I shrugged. "I was afraid you'd think differently of me if you knew who I was before."

"Keturah, I don't think I'd ever think of you any differently than what I think of you now. You're talented, beautiful, and still a nerd. But you're my nerd," he smiled.

Tears formed in my eyes and the most relieving feelings came over me. "I was so worried that you would think differently of me."

"I would never, ever do that. Ever. I know who you are Keturah, I know your heart and that's what matters," He assured. He leaned over and planted the softest kiss on my lips before pulling away. "I've figured you out enough by now to know that i'm all in. Finding out how big of a loser you think you were in high school isn't going to change how I feel about you."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"So, can we talk about that for a second?" He chuckled.

"I'm done talking. It's time for you to make things up to me," I reminded him just before smashing my lips on to his.

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