Chapter 6: If You Knew

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"Hey Julie," Luke said as I passed by him in the hallway. "Where you going?"

"Oh, um... helping Lou out with something," I lied nervously, looking down at the ground briefly before looking back up at him.

"Julie, you're really a shitty liar." Luke grinned, then lowered his voice. "You know you can tell me if you're going off to sing with Harry again,"

I couldn't lie to Luke. If I tried, he saw right through me. Not a lot of people do, though, even though Luke was right. I am an awful liar.

"Okay, okay, maybe I am," I smiled softly.

"See, you don't have to be nervous to tell me that." Luke said. "Now have fun, and sing good. I'll be rooting for you from... I don't know, really. That way," Luke said, pointing down the hallway and waving goodbye before continuing on his way.

I was about to continue when the door to their dressing room opened and Ashton appeared, grinning at me cheekily. "Ah, Julie," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling my in the dressing room with him, shutting it behind us.

"Ashton, what the hell?" I asked, looking at him.

"It's okay, we're alone," he stated.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better how?" I asked.

"You like Luke," he stated again.

"I... what?" I asked.

He nodded. "You like little Lucas." he said.

"No I don't, I..." I trailed off.

Did I like Luke? The kiss on the cheek back in DC, watching him change back in DC then, the way I felt crying in his arms yesterday over the rumors, travelling around Philadelphia with him yesterday... hanging out with him just felt so natural, like I'd known him for years. I've never opened up to anybody that fast.

And Luke had heard me sing.

"Yes you do," he said, nodding. "Maybe you haven't admitted to yourself yet, but you do. You totally like him."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I see the way you look at him," Ashton started. "You also laugh at his jokes, the ones that aren't even funny and he's told a million times."

"Okay, so maybe I do like him. But like you said, I've never even admitted it to myself." I told him.

"There's nothing wrong with liking him, Jules," Ashton assured me. "Luke's an attractive looking young lad. A bit awkward, but there's nothing wrong with that"

"Don't forget who you're talking to." I said. "Awkward's a big word in my vocabulary."

"I ship it," he said. "Juke Stemmings,"

"You sound like a fourteen year old fangirl," I told him.

"How do you know so much about fangirls?" he asked. "Were you one of them?"

"Ashton, my brother's Harry Styles," I stated. "Of course I know about fangirls."

"Good point," he said.

"Now can I go? Harry's waiting for me," I said.

"Alright, go on," he said. "Fly like a bird little Styles!"

"Um, alright," I said, leaving the dressing room and shutting it behind me, before continuing on my way towards the stage, where Harry was waiting for me.

"Julie, you're late," Harry said from his spot sitting on a stool on center stage, an acoustic guitar in his hands.

"Sorry," I quickly apologized.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"Oh, just talking to Ashton," I said, shrugging off his question. "Okay, so what song am I playing now?"

"Again, it's your call." Harry said. "Play whatever you want,"

"Be Your Everything by Boys Like Girls?" I asked, grinning.

"There you go, play that." Harry said, handing me the guitar and motioning for me to sit down. "Wait, don't play yet," Harry said. "You need the effect of an audience here."

"Nope, no I don't," I said, shaking my head back and forth.

"Yes you do," Harry said, jumping off the stage in front of where the front row seats were. "Just imagine that I'm the city of Mansfield, Massachusetts. After all, it is where we currently are. But, if you did have a bigger audience.. would you be offended if I asked Luke to come watch?" he asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Julie, you know I'm always trying to get you to come out of your shell." Harry said. "Because I'm your older brother, and I'm so proud of how talented you are. And you also know I'd never ask you this, but I'm asking because he's heard you before."

"Alright," I said, sighing. "Call him down, I guess."

"You sure?" he asked.

"No," I muttered.

Pulling out his phone, Harry texted Luke quickly. Two minutes later, Luke came sprinting into the theater, panting and looking around wildly.

"Where is she? Is she okay?" Luke asked worriedly.

"I'm right here?" I asked, confused.

"Harry, but..." Luke panted. "You... Julie... Hurt..." he breathed out.

"I may have lied just a little bit," Harry said.

"What did you tell him?" I asked Harry.

"I may or may not have said you had fallen off the stage and hurt yourself, but I needed to get him here quickly." Harry said.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Harry!" I scolded.

"He's here, isn't he?" Harry asked.

"Why am I really here?" Luke asked, still panting from running.

"Julie trusts you enough to sing in front of you." Harry said, fist bumping Luke. "So that means we're a team now. You're gonna help me get Julie to sing more."

"Well, I would have come quickly anyways if you'd have said that she was singing." Luke said. "But I accept to join the team. The Stemmings team," he said, nodding his head. "You know, like Styles and Hemmings." he said awkwardly.

Stemmings. There it was again. Styles and Hemmings. First from Ashton, stating my ship name with Luke, and now from Luke himself, forming my vocal training team.

"So, what are you singing then?" Luke asked as him and Harry took seats in the front row.

"Be Your Everything," I said. "You know, like the Boys Like Girls song."

"Go ahead, Jules," Harry said. "The stage is yours."

I was about to start strumming the guitar when Niall came running in the room, and I immediately stopped playing in fear. Niall had a horrified look in his eyes, and he was running around like a mad man.

"Harry! Luke! Julie!" Niall yelled, stopping and panting.

"What's wrong, Nialler?" Harry asked.

"Cal... Accident... Help..." Niall breathed out.

"What?" Luke asked, horrified.

"You don't hear the sirens?" Niall asked as Louis and Liam came running in the room as well.

"Sirens?" I asked into the microphone, putting the guitar down and standing up.

"They were just messing around, it was an accident," Liam said, looking around.

"Accident?" Harry asked.

"Cal's hurt, guys," Louis said. "We need to go."

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