Meet Blaise

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Hey Guys, Girls, Element Lovers! This was the first Chapter. I know I said I was going to post on the weekend, but it was just to funny to resist so...yeah. Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is Blaise. I was born in the Fire Kingdom. My parents are the King and Queen. I have two brothers and three sisters (two younger three older). I am 16 years old. I have red firey hair. I'm 5'6, have dark brown eyes with a hint of red, and light tan skin. I have a lot of talents. I dance, swim, I do sewing, play crocket, and I have the element of fire! My life is so cool. Well it is only cool when I'm practicing my power with my friends.

"Bla-Bla!" shouts, the Queen my mother, "Can you come down here into the parlor for a moment I want you to meet somebody." I do as I am told and walked downstairs into our parlor where a young man around 16, 17, or 18 stands his back facing me while conversing with my mother. Mother looks up and smiles brightly, "Blaise, this is Luke. The son of the Duke." He turns around and I curtsy and put on my best fake smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you." Luke the son of the Duke says. (A/N I know the name it's corny, but I had to do it! J :p) I chuckle wearily. What is Mother planning this time!

I went and sat on the sofa. Luke trails along and sits next to me putting his arm around my shoulder. I grab his arm and moved it away from me. "Mother how was your day? I know being the Queen of The Fire Kingdom is a tiresome job. How about I make you some fire tea?" I question hoping to get out of sitting next to Luke.

"Blaise don't be ridiculous! We have servants for that. Anyways I'm not tiresome." I frown and let out a small groan. There was an awkward silence for a good solid 5 minutes. "So...tell me about yourself." Luke says, trying to put on a flashy smile, but not succeeding.

"Well if you must know I spend my mornings robbing stores and my afternoons robbing houses." His square jaw drops to the floor. If looks could kill I would be dead. Mother was giving me a death glare.

"Luke you realize I'm joking. I spend my time wishing for my prince to arrive like they do in the movies and books." I smile sweetly. "Well that was a lie to. I do lots of things except for the things I mentioned." I state. Luke burst out laughing. "Well I will let you two mingle." And with that Mother left.

"So what does that mean you do guy stuff?" He asks ignorantly. Now it was my turn to burst out laughing. "What is so funny?" Luke raised his voice at me. Oh H. E. Double hockey sticks to the no!

"Don't raise your voice at me!" I shouted standing up. Luke also stands up.

"Look you little brat," Luke starts, "I'm probably going to marry you and if I am you need to learn a little respect."

"No Luca- I mean need to learn a little respect." I smile and tilted my head. I imagined a little flame on Luke's nice blouse on his shoulder and then it caught fire. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

"What so fun...what's that smell? What is that.....AHH!!! Help! Put it out put it out!" I laughed so hard at his reaction.

I pulled myself together and say, "Okay, but only if you get down on your knees and apologize." Holding a pitcher of water that I had just now picked up I waited for his response.

"I am so so so so so! Sorry! Blaise I will never ever! Raise my voice again."

"Okay good enough for me." I pour the water all over him even though it was only on his shoulder.

He got up and ran out screaming, "You are so crazy!" I was by myself laughing my butt off.

Until Mother came back.

Hey Guys, Girls, Element Lovers! Hope you liked it!! And tell your awesomely cool friends!! Hope I inspire you and others to write!! I even have a website!! I will put the link down soon!! See ya in the writers World!!!

P.S. Pic of Blaise on the side!

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