Chapter 5

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Ello!!!!! Sorry you hate me so much for not updating.... Um yeah... awkward!!!!!!
Any who's what's up? It's not you respond, but it's fun to ask anyways.

I hate school. It's prison for teens. Wait that's juvie. Ok you guys are probably like 'Enough I just want to read!!' So fine... Enjoy!!!

Chapter 5

~Blaise's POV~

Okay everyone is here except for of course Muna. That girl needs to pay attention to the time. "Where's Muna!" Ira who is usually quiet asks. Odd.

I see Aure smirk. "Look who's growing a backbone." Ira's face grows red. "I like this new Ira? Why the sudden change though?"

"Well you see Forest thou-"

"Wait you mean your crush Forest?" I interrupted. When did she speak to him? Why weren't we informed!
Muna runs in. "So sorry guys! I lost track of time!" She breathes. We smile.

"Like usual. Don't sweat it. Let's get started."

We did the usual prep. First we did the usual breathing exercises and then that's when all the magic happens. "Okay girls, it's time to learn a new trick." Mother says with fake excitement. I roll my eyes. Typical mother never really into things. I wonder if my mother was like this with Grandma? "We are going to learn to open portals!" Wait what?

All the girls expressions are like my own. That's possible? How? Why? "Um how is that possible?" Muna asked.

"Very carefully. Okay girls you really need to concentrate. Close your eyes and really focus. Picture your power as an essence. Floating around your body. Good girls now imagine those essences circling each other, in a slow motion, but gets a little faster each second.

"Your powers are starting to form a hole. It's going to be strong at first, but gets bigger. Perfect girls! Now you just have to learn how to picture places." She's says. We all open our eyes. Just as Mother is about to speak again Martin, our butler who lives in the Water Kingdom, rushes in.

"Your majesty! Something terrible has happened! More prisoners have escaped from Prisons of Despair! They're The Ones!" This got my Mother's attention.

"Practice is cut short today girls. Martin watch them please."

"Of course! I will watch the-" He cuts off when he sees Muna. I look over to Muna to see her face is shocked as well.

"What are you doing here?" They both say at the same time. They embrace each other with a hug. What is happening?

"What in the hell is happening?" Aure asks. We all gasp well except for Martin. "Excuse my French. But seriously! Why are they embracing and what is happening? Who are The Ones?" Aure has a good point.

"Okay I'll let Muna explain us. So once upon a time like decades before your mothers were born there were this group of people.

"Their names are: Bellatrix, Narcissa, Alastor, and Akuji. They wanted to rule the 6 planets because they were greedy and stubborn. Your mothers grandmothers stopped them however.

"No one really knows how though. The rumors were they created a spell and hid one line in each castle. So in total 4 lines. I hope your mothers can stop them without the spell, otherwise... no one will have a happy ending."

Silence. No one said a word. Not wanting to believe it, not wanting to face the fact that our generation was stuck with the Prophecy of 4.

I don't think Martin knows about that. It's obvious that he's new. And I guess since he lives in Muna's kingdom he wouldn't have heard of it. Only the ones who know people can.

Yeah it's like that in her kingdom.

I look at the girls faces. We are so screwed! Muna and Ira look like they're about to cry, and Aure looks like she will murder someone in the next second. "It's coming true," whispers Ira, "The Prophecy of 4 is actually coming true. I wished so hard for it to not be our generation."

Martin looks at us confused. "The Prophecy of what?" We all sigh. Guess we got to tell him a sob story.

"The Prophecy of 4 is something we like to keep quiet. But in some
Kingdoms they are rumors." Ira says looking at Aure and I. "Everyone knows the story of the beginning blah blah, but what most don't know is the threat the monsters made that day they shed their blood for the last time.

"I guess you could call it a curse and not a prophecy, but whatever. They said and I quote, 'They will be a day when our descendants come back and will try to over throw the thrones. Your descendants will throw them in that filthy place we call home. And they will escape. And try to once more over throw you guys. There will be a generation where the mothers will not be strong enough, and the daughters have yet to master their powers. Good luck my foes.'" Ira finishes. It's silent again too silent.

"Okay no more awkward silence!" Aure screams. "I can't take it!"

The door opens revealing 4 beautiful strangers. The first was a woman, very beautiful: nice long light brown hair, pretty blue eyes, and great eyebrows. The next was a man he was indeed also beautiful in my opinion: he also had brown hair, a nice hazel brown eye, and a good nose.

Then there was a girl. She looked about 12 and was super adorable: also had brown hair, good lips nice and plump, and such beautiful eyes. Nice chocolate brown. The last person was a guy. And boy let me tell you he is H O T HOT! He has a strong jaw line, the most mesmerizing eyes, and delectable hair. It's so dark I can't decide whether it's black or a really dark brown.

"Hello ladies. Nice to finally meet you."


Oh my god!!!!!!! So much has happened!!!! Merry Christmas!!!! Yeah I'm like thinking 'I have to give you a Christmas present!!!!' So here it is! I worked so hard to make this. It's probably a little crappie with some grammar errors. But other than that.

Merry Christmas!!! Or Hanukkah or Kwanza or what every holiday you celebrate. And if you don't celebrate anything.



Anyways I'll see you guys in writing soon. Luv all yall Element Luvers out there!!!


P.s. Pic of Bellatrix on the side --->

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