Chapter 1

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Hey Element luvers!!!! You are probably thinking, 'Chapter 1!? Shouldn't this be Chapter 5?'

Well my element companions it shouldn't.

'Why?' You ask. Cause those were just intros to the story. And remember when I said 'Meet Blaise' was the first chappie? I lied.

Please don't be mad! Anyways Enjoy!!



"What were you thinking?" Mother yells.

"It was self defense?" I say not even believing my own voice. "You know what screw this. Why do you keep on setting me up with people?" I question angrily.

I'm sick of Mother's petty suitors for me!


"Why didn't you give Luke a chance?" Mother asks.

"You really want to know?" She nodded like a two-year old wanting candy. "Like all the rest. Just out for the throne." I sigh and look down at the hem of my dress.

"Oh honey," Mother starts, "I'm so sorry. If I had known I-"

"Mother please.... Can you make one promise to me?"

"Of course Blaise! Anything!"

I take a deep then say, "Please let me find my own suitor." Mother just stares a me with the same expression in her face.

No! Please not this!

Last time Mother nearly destroyed our home. We had to stay at Muna's for a three months! "Mother? Mom? Mommy? Mommy please don't do this! Don't go into shock! Just don't. Please, just reason with me."

Her eye twitched!

That's good! Great! "Mother. Every time you bring me a suitor he is always a jerk! Never cares about me only wants the throne!"

Should I really be with someone like that! I mean Luke called me a brat! A brat! Someone who loves you doesn't call you a brat. I just think I can find someone who is suitable for m-"

"I understand." Mother says. My eyes widen. This is the first time in like forever that my mom understood me. She never has! Ever! Not even when I was six and this stupid cunt named, James was bullying me. So I may have set him on fire like I did to Luke.

But no! Instead of understanding that it was self defense Mother goes right out and say, 'Blaise apologize this instant!'

What finally knocked some sense into her?

"R-really? I mean thanks for understanding." I say. Mother gets up and walks away. I sigh and get up as well.

What now?

An idea comes to mind so I jump up and call call my guy best friend Carson.


"Happy birthday buddy buddy buddy!" I yell in a sing song voice.

"You are such a weirdo." Carson replies probably rolling his eyes.

"I felt that eye roll Sowers. I felt it." I say dramatically.

The next few hours Carson and I just talked on the phone. "Well, Blaise this has been fun, but my mother won't stop pestering me to get off the line. Apparently she has a business call she is waiting for soon... So yeah...."

"Okay," I say mellow dramatic, "If I have to. Bye."

"Bye." I drop my phone on my bed and sigh. "Everything is just so so Frustrating!" My ancestors cursed me to this life. My mother is trying get me married, my father doesn't think I'm lady like enough to rule a kingdom, and I have to watch over six planets! The only thing I live for are my best friends. Muna, Aure, Ira, and Carson. His dreamy eyes, his sarcastic comments, his six pack, silky hair, and those lips! Jut looking at then makes my heart beat a mile a minute. Wait! What am I thinking? I can be in love with, Carson!

Can I?


Hey Element luvers!! I bet your no longer mad at me ANYMORE!!!!! :):):):):) XDXXDXDXDXDXXXXXXDDDDDDDD

Wow what is up with Blaise? Setting people on fire here and falling for her best guy friend there? Thing bout to get siri! And I'm. Not taliking about the iPhone! No laughter?

K tough crowd. And your wondering, Why in the world did you change yo name again!??!? Well funny story really. SoIwaswatchingminecraftanddisgurlwadlike'whydoeseveryonehavediffienamesondiffiesitesIjustkeepminethesame!'soIwaslikekfinethenillchangeitsocausemyminecraftnameisntheaveey9 (some butt already to it) ihadtogowith Indie701 andsoichangedmywattpadnametothat!

*Breaths really hard*

I'm sorry but this time I will keep it this! Maybe teehee.

Well this has been fun!!! See you in writing soon!!!


Indie701/aka heaveey9/aka starfire2118

P.s. I will stop that eventually

P.P.S Pic of Carson on the side! XD

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