Terrible Things.

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Title credit: Terrible Things, Mayday Parade.
Also inspired by the song. This is dedicated to @RicardoRico6
Thanks babe for reading, voting and commenting on this. It makes me really happy.
Sad one shot.
Contains Mpreg.

Derek walked into the café where the unknown boy, who he'd been dying to know the name of worked. He'd been coming into the café everyday for the past week, sitting in the same seat, ordering the same Aromatic Iced Mocha and checking out the beautiful pale boy working at the registers. That day wasn't any different from others. He sat on his usual seat, ordered his usual drink and stared at the boy. After shortly his iced mocha arrived he drank it and closed his eyes to savor the taste.
"Hi." A melodious voice came from in front of where he was sitting and his opened his eyes to see who it was. It was him. And he was beautiful.
"Hey." Derek replied coming out of his day dream.
"Can I tell you a wonderful thing?" The pretty boy asked Derek and all he could do was nod. He cleared his throat and replied with a "yes" afterwards.
"I can't help but notice you staring at me." The pale boy in front of him said softly and Derek blushed. Great. Now he thinks I'm a lunatic. Derek thought to himself and frowned. But before Derek could apologize the pretty boy spoke.
"I know I shouldn't say this but I really believe. I can tell by your eyes that you wanna take me out on a date." The pretty boy spoke and smiled at Derek making him forget about everything else and the only thing he could focus on was the beautiful pale boy in front of him. Derek blushed and was having hard time forming words.
"I-I didn't mean to. You're just so beautiful I can't help it." Derek stuttered out still blushing furiously.
"But I'd still like to take you out on a date." Derek said and looked at the pale boy with a hopeful glint in his eyes. The boy smiled softly at him making his breath hitch.
"I'd love to go out on a date with you." The boy said getting up from where he sat.
"I gotta get back to work. I'll meet you here tomorrow for our date at the same time as today?" He asked and Derek nodded in agreement. Before stiles walked he turned around.
"My name is stiles by the way." Stiles said with a smile and Derek realized that they agreed to go out on a date with eachother without even knowing each other's names. Derek laughed softly at how stupid it was and introduced himself.
"I'm Derek." He smiled at stiles and the younger boy returned the gesture before leaving Derek there with his thoughts alone. That night Derek went home and danced around his apartment excited about the date with the most beautiful boy he'd ever seen tomorrow.
A month and a lots of dates later they both had grown really close to each other. And one who had eyes could tell that they were in love. It was safe to say that it was love at first sight but they still hadn't confessed to one another. And right now Derek was headed towards Stiles' apartment with a bouquet of orchids because he know how much stiles loved them. He knocked in the door and patiently waited for his boyfriend to open the door. And he was greeted by Stiles with a huge smile on his face and his eyes lit up when he saw those flowers Derek had brought for him.
"Hey you." Derek said hugging his boyfriend.
"Hey yourself." Stiles replied with the same smile plastered on his face.
They both went inside ordered pizza and settled on the couch ready to watch The Avengers on stiles' request. In the middle of the movie stiles was watching it with excitement and quoting every word and Derek was watching Stiles with fond look on his face. Stiles realized it a looked at derek.
"What?" Stiles asked with a smile on his face.
"Can I tell you a wonderful thing?" Derek asked nervously smiling at stiles.
"Okay." The younger male answered.
"I'm in love with you stiles." Derek said and stiles pulled in by his collar into a passionate and sweet kiss. After the pulled away stiles smiled at Derek.
"I'm in love with you too Derek Hale." Stiles said grinning ear to ear. That was the they made love. Derek was happy that he found someone as who he can make beautiful memories with someone he loved so much. Six months Derek asked stiles to move in with him and stiles jumped on Derek hugging his boyfriend tightly saying yes. Stiles still worked at the café and Derek worked at a college teaching the students History. It was good. Life was good.
Stiles was already home watching TV on the couch as he waited for Derek. He heard the door open and he excitedly got on his feet running to greet Derek with a hug and peck on the lips.
"How was your day?" Stiles asked Derek making him smile. It was just so stiles. He always wanted to know about Derek's day.
"It was interesting. One of my student called me hot in front of everyone." Derek said making stiles laugh throwing his head backwards and Derek could hear that laugh forever.
"Well tell them that they can't have this hottnes. Because its all mine." Stiles stated playfully but was still serious about what he said. Derek laughed at stiles making him pout.
"I'm all yours baby and no one else's." Derek reassured stiles kissing on his lips and stiles sighed in contentment. They walked into the kitchen and stiles took out a can of soda for himself and Derek. Derek looked at stiles before pulling out a small box wrapped with colorful papers.
"Can I tell you a wonderful thing?" Derek started handing stiles the small box.
"I made you a present with paper and strings. Open with care now I'm asking you please." Derek said and stiles did what he told. Stiles' eyes were watering because it was a beautiful ring of platinum. He looked at Derek and saw him down on one knee. His heart beating loud and fast as tears streamed down his face.
"You know that I love you. Will you marry me?" Derek asked with the same glint of hope in his eyes when he first asked stiles out on a date, maybe even more.
"Yes. No matter how many times you ask the answer will always be yes." Stiles said smiling through the happy tears that were falling from his eyes. Derek slipped the ring in stiles' finger and stiles cried even more when he saw Always and Forever carved in it. They didn't wait long to married. They got married privately with their closest family and friends surrounding them the same week they got engaged. Derek couldn't be more happier. Stiles was all his now. His husband, his other half, his always and forever. He was Stiles Stilinski-Hale now. Their family got them plane tickets to pairs as a gift for their honeymoon. They were in their hotel room in bed lying in each other's arms after a tiring day of visiting the city.
"Can i tell you a wonderful thing der?" Stiles asked his husband looking up from Derek's chest where he was resting his head from. Derek kissed his head as an indication to carry on.
"You're going to be a father." Stiles stated and Derek jerked up startling stiles. Stiles was starting to worry until he saw the big smile on Derek's face.
"I'm gonna be a dad? You're pregnant." Derek asked again and kissed stiles when he nodded.
"I love you so much. And our baby." Derek said placing his hand on stiles' stomach and rubbing it gently.
"I love you too my dear husband." Stiles stated happily.
After stiles' emotional meltdowns, weird cravings and nine months later they welcomed a baby boy named Alexander Jon Stilinski-Hale. They were a happy family.
Fast forward to when Alex was eight years old and stiles came home one night that changed their happy little world forever.
Derek had just put Lex to sleep and waited for stiles to come home. Not minutes later his husband was coming through the doors but he could sense something was wrong.
"Hey love. Everything alright?" Derek asked as he gestured stiles to come to him and sit on his lap. Stiles did as Derek wanted and sat on his lap burying his head on Derek's neck. Derek snaked his arms around his husband's waist and pulled him closer.
"Can I tell you a terrible thing? Stiles asked Derek but didn't get an answer then sighed.
"It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks." Stiles said looking at Derek hoping to find some sort of expression. Derek knew something was wrong but he never in his life would've guess it would be this.
"What?" Derek asked his voice cracking at the end.
"Please don't be sad now, I really believe that you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me." Stiles said and kissed Derek making him kiss back with all the love and passion he could.
"Daddy!" Came a beautiful voice from the door and stiles saw his son running towards him.
"Lexy!" Stiles happily taking his little boy on his lap.
"I missed you buddy! How was your day?" He asked making Alex giggle.
"I had so much fun today! Papa took me to eat ice cream!." He exclaimed happily.
"Oh did he now?" Stiles asked and Alex nodded.
"Well I'm glad that you had a good time baby." Stiles said happily.
"Why is papa crying?" Alex asked stiles and he had almost forgotten about that. He looked at Derek sadly as his husband quickly rubbed the tears off his eyes.
"I'm not crying buddy. I got some dust in my eyes." Derek said and Alex nodded. After sometime Alex went to sleep Derek cried in stiles' arms all night. He couldn't live without stiles. He just couldn't. He'd be lost and what about Alex? Derek thought out loud.
"You'll be okay der. You have to, for lex." Stiles said making more tears fall from Derek's eyes.
Derek had made stiles go for chemotherapy therapy. Their family and friends were devastated. Both of them still hadn't found a way to tell their eight years old son. But once the result came it they thought they didn't have to. The result had shown thag stiles was getting better. Everyone was happy.
Few days later after putting Alex to sleep they were sitting in the living room before stiles got up and extended his hand out to Derek. Derek looked confused.
"Dance with me." Stiles asked and Derek smiled and took stiles' hand. They danced without any music but it was the best thing in the world for them.
"Just like our wedding." Stiles said resting his head on Derek's chest. Derek kissed his head as thek kept moving.
"I'm thirsty. I love you." Stiles said smiling and headed to the kitchen.
"I love you too." Derek answered.
"Hey babe remember how Scott fell in the pond at our wedding?" Derek asked stiles after a few seconds following stiles into the kitchen. Stiles had a water bottle in his hand as he looked at Derek with a weird expression.
"Babe? You okay?" He asked but before he could get an answer he was running towards stiles catching him in his arms. The bottle fell on the ground spilling water.
"Stiles! Baby! Wake up!" Derek said, his heart beating so loud that he could hear it in his own ears. But stiles wasn't waking up.
Derek was in tears as he called an ambulance. He called stiles' dad and Scott as he reached the hospital. John was taking care of Alex for now and him and Scott waited of any news on his husband. All he could do was cry as Scott tried his best to comfort him. But it wasn't working. The doctors came out and Derek rushed towards them.
"How is he? How is my husband?" Derek asked and the doctor shook his head.
"I'm sorry Mr. Hale but he didn't make it. We tried our best but .." The doctor said.
"No!" Derek said as slowly he fell on his knees to the ground. He was crying hysterically now. Scott came and calmed him down a little as he pulled him into his arms. Both of them were crying.
"He's gone Scott! He's gone! Forever! What am I gonna do? I can't do this without him." Derek cried and all Scott could say was.
"I don't know Derek. But we'll figure it out okay? You need to keep calm for Lex." Scott reminded Derek.
"Where is daddy? Papa." His son asked him and Derek had to refrain himself from crying. What would he even tell him.
"He's in the clouds up above the sky watching over us lex. He's always watching over us and he loves us with all his heart, don't ever forget thag okay?" Derek said to his son finding a way for him to believe it himself. His son nodded.
"Will he ever come down?" Alex asked Derek with the same glint in his eyes as stiles used to have when he was curious.
"Maybe someday." Derek said looking at the cloudy sky.
The funeral was depressing, everyone was crying in black suits and dresses. He stood in front of stiles' head stone holding his son's hand.

The most beautiful person
With the most beautiful heart.
Loving husband.
Proud father and
An amazing son.
Always in our hearts.
Loved unconditionally.

Was written in the headstone. Derek turned to his son said.
"Don't fall in love, because there's too much to lose. And if given the choice then please choose to walk away. Walk away and don't let it get you. I can't bare the same thing happen to you. And I hope and I pray that life chose you differently." Derek finished as his son looked at him with the same eyes that stiles had. It was too painful.
"Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things."

I'm really happy how this turned out.
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Did it make you cry?
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Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.
I love y'all.

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