Stiles and Star Wars.

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Trust me when I sat this sucks because it really does and I'm so sorry for not coming up with something better..

"So, couldn't help but notice that no one came to my house for the star wars marathon that I invited you all to." Stiles stated looking at his pack members who were gathered in Derek's loft for pack meeting.

"Oh yeah! We we're meaning to do that." Liam said giving a nervous chuckle at the end as he looked around his pack mates.

"Uh. No you weren't. Because it was two days ago and nobody came!" Stiles said through his gritted teeth giving death glares to everyone. And all of them were looking at anything but Stiles.

"I spent all night solving mysteries with my dad. So if you wanna solve a mystery about who stabbed Stiles in the back with the weapon of indifference, IT WAS ALL OF YOU!" Stiles snarled pointing his boney finger at everyone as they shrunk in their seats.

"We're sorry buddy. Maybe we can watch it next time." Scott said patting Stiles on the back with his puppy eyes on the display.

"Woah, we're not that sorry." Isaac said looking at Scott with a nervous laugh trying to avoid watching Stars Wars.

"Shut up! Scarf man before I light all the scarfs you on on fire while playing Fall Out Boy!" Stiles said giving a pointed look to Isaac as they started having an intense glare contest.

"Oh my God! Both of you stop!" Lydia said letting out a frustrated groan as they both we're starting to get on her nerves. They were supposed to have a pack bonding time and here they were bantering like some kids.

"Hey! What's with all the hub up?" Derek said entering the room as he had gone to get food for his pack members. Everyone's face lit up once they saw Derek but Derek knew it was all for the food and not him.

"Sourwolf!" Stiles yelled as he got up from his seat and was already taking out his curly fries from the bag. "I feel so loved by my boyfriend."Derek muttered while Stiles was already munching on his delicious fries. "Love you der." Stiles said as he planted a sloppy kiss on Derek's cheek and went back to eating.

"Come on! It's pack night and we're watching The Notebook!" Lydia stated as Alison and Erica agreed while the rest of the boys groaned.

"Hey! It's not fair how Lydia gets us to watch the Notebook every time and no one watches star wars with me!" Stiles protested as he cuddled up against Derek. Derek just kissed his mate on the lips to shut him up.

"Do I hear you questioning my pick Stilinski?" Lydia said in a sharp tone and Stiles just shrunk further into Derek's arms while the others just laughed.

"Derek! I can't believe you're not defending me!" Stiles pouted. "Aw, come on babe you know she won't let us watch anything else. It's easier if you just give in." Derek sighed trying to explain his boyfriend. "And besides, we can just make out instead of watching the movie." Derek whispered into Stiles' ear. Stiles grinned at Derek with blush evident on his cheeks.

The next day at school as Stiles was ready to go home from school, he heard his name being called. He turned around to see it was Scott and grinned at his best friend. "Hey Scotty!" Stiles greeted his best friend with a browser hug. "He buddy! So I was thinking that I could come at your house in the evening so we could watch Star Wars. I just wanna make it up to you for the last time." Scott said and Stiles grinned like a Cheshire cat. "That's awesome Scotty! I love you so much." Stiles said as he again hugged his McAlpha as they departed their way.

Later that evening Scott was in the bathroom and Stiles was setting everything up. "Scott, come on I've got the snacks are ready!" Stiles shouted as he opened a bag of chips and threw them in a bowl.

"You call that a snack?" A voice said and it was non other than his boyfriend, mate, lover, etc..etc..  "Derek! What are you doing here?" Stiles asked as he got up as hugged the wolf and kissed him on the lips. "I just missed my beautiful mate, problem?" Derek said playfully as he pulled Stiles closer while planting chaste kisses all over his face and neck. "No, how can I have a problem with that?" Stiles giggled. "Good." Derek mumbled and kissed his mate. "Come on! You're just in time. Scott and I were just about to watch the boobs and Dragons!" Stiles said as Derek just gave him a weird look. "The what now?" Derek questioned making a strange face.

"He means The Game Of Thrones." Scott said coming into the room and Derek nodded while he looked strangely at Stiles. "What?" Stiles said innocently looking at his boyfriend. "And besides I thought we were gonna watch Star Wars." Scott said but Stiles just shrugged. "We can watch that some other time and I haven't watched this season of the boobs and dragons." Stiles stated as he got unimpressed looks from the other two which he just shrugged off.
"What's that smell?" Derek said sniffing on the air. "Oh, I was reheating the pizza." Stiles said as both Scott and Derek groaned. "Please tell me you took the pizza out of the box before you put it in the oven?" Scott questioned but Derek was already bring the burnt pizza along with the box from which the smoke was coming. "Stiles! How can you not remember to take the pizza out of the box?" Derek said baffled at his own mate. "Well! I was a little distracted making snacks!" Stiles said flailing his hands in the air. "You literally just opened the bag of chips and put them in a bowl." Derek scoffed and Scott agreed. "Well I'm sorry okay!" Stiles whined and pouted giving both of them a massive puppy dog eyes to which Scott and Derek had no choice but to give in. They just thought there was no winning for both of them so they just carried on with watching GOT.

After they watched few episodes Scott went home and it was only the two of them. They were in Stiles' bed both trying to catch their breath for mind blowing sex that they just had. "You know I don't understand how I love you." Derek said and Stiles looked at him with a frown. "What do you mean?" Stiles asked worried. "I mean that you are clumsy, talk mile a minute, make sarcastic remarks at the most inappropriate times, can never sit quietly, eat like a caveman but I can't imagine my life without you. And those are all of the things that I lack and I love about you. I remember how I was after the fire so cold and bitter but now I'm not like that. I genuinely smile everyday and it's all because of you." Derek said looking at Stiles who was tearing up.
"It's not only you Sourwolf. You make me happy too. And maybe we even each other out. You being the one who doesn't let me off doing whatever I want preventing me from getting hurt while I teach and show you that having fun is not a bad thing." Stiles hypothesized. Derek smiled at his mate then kissed him deeply and passionately. "I guess we do. And after all we are mates." Derek stated looking at his mate. "I love you sourwolf." Stiles mumbled closing his eyes. "I love you too babe." Derek mumbled at they both fell into deep slumber.

Again I'm so sorry for this.
But I will be updating more often so yay!!
Thank you for reading!

I love y'all.


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