Be With You

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This is requested by @internetjunky. Thanks for the request and I'll try to make it like you said. But I did make my own twist on it. So I hope you all enjoy it. And I really like the fan art above! Its so cute!!! Okay I'll stop now.

Stiles hadn't been sleeping. Its not that he'd been staying up all night playing games or watching porn for that matter, he just couldn't sleep. He tried closing his eyes and forced himself to, and he did fall asleep. But it wasn't long before he was waking up screaming from nightmares. This had been happening for a week or two now. He couldn't even remember for how long since he was so much sleep deprived. At first he didn't think of it like anything because at first he only couldn't sleep. But how many nights would he stay up and watch TV or play video games before his body eventually began to malfunction. He got really scared when he did manage to fall asleep but would wake up with a nightmare that would always end with someone dying in it. He used to have nightmares after his mom died and after few years it had stopped but now it was back and Stiles had no clue about what to do. He still hadn't told anyone, not his dad and not even Scott. And the worst part was his anxiety and panic attacks were back. He always feels anxious and on the verge of meltdown. Always scared that one of his nightmares will turn into a reality. He was always cautious, always on the edge and he had also started taking his ADD medication more than required because he always felt skittish and like he had gone binge drinking on Redbull. No one had noticed Stiles acting differently except for Derek. Stiles' dad wasn't home most of the time to notice it and Scott was too busy with Allison and his own werewolf issues to notice. Derek however, noticed because every pack meeting they used to have a fits like six years old kids fighting over a candy and also the fact that Stiles is his mate, which Stiles is yet to know. Derek also noticed how Stiles stopped making sarcastic comments or how he would always call out on Derek's shit and most of all he always looked like something was bothering him, like he was always on the edge and was always scared. And Derek wanted to know why Stiles was like this.

Stiles walked to his class feeling anxious like he has been for past few days. He had Scott in the class too but he still hadn't talked to him today because he hadn't got the chance to. He went and slumped down on his usual seat and shortly Scott came in and sat next to him. "Hey, Stiles." Scott greeted Stiles.

"Hey, Scott." Stiles replied but before they could converse more the teacher came in and they both looked forward giving their attention to the teacher. As the teacher began to start talking about whatever topic he teaching Stiles began to feel sleepy. He tried to keep his eyes but he couldn't. He had started dreaming that he was back at his own room, and he had no idea how he got there. Suddenly every thing in the room started to disappear and the walls started to cave in. There was a voice in the back of his head telling him to wake up. He looked around for any way to escape but all he saw was 'WAKE UP' written all over the walls. He couldn't take it anymore, he put his hands on his head and closed his eyes. "This is not real Stiles. You're dreaming. You just need to wake up." Stiles said to himself with tears falling from his eyes. But nothing happened, he was still where he was.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up." He kept chanting to himself. It was getting to much for him to handle. Now he didn't even know where he was or what was happening to him. Stiles was getting scared and was on the verge of panic attack.

"WAKE UP!!" Stiles shouted as his head shot up and looked around he was still in class and the teacher was still teaching. His heart was racing so fast and he tried to calm himself down. "Dude, you okay?" Scott asked noticing the state of his best friend. "Yeah, I just fell asleep for sometime. I'm fine." Stiles said looking at Scott. Scott made a weird face as he opened his mouth to speak, "dude, you weren't asleep." Stiles just sat there not knowing what to do or say. He swore that he was asleep and having a fucking nightmare in the middle of the class but now he didn't know what was real because this might as well be a dream too.

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