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So I decided that I would make Sterek version of Enchanted. I hope that its okay and that you will like it. :) Also this probably the longest one shot of this whole book.  4.5k+ words. I'm really hoping that you will like it and not get bored. I'm sorry if I bore you with this.

The light of the sun kissed the delicate skin of Stiles as he opened his Bambi eyes waking up from his beauty sleep. The birds began to sing, he got out of his little bed and sang along melodiously with the birds and danced graciously. He went up to the bathroom and washed his face still humming as the birds flew in and brought him the towel to wipe his face. "Why, thank you my precious little birdies." He sang smiling making the birds chirp excitedly. A squirrel came to him and handed a beautiful flower crown made up of daisies and roses. "Thank you my little Liam. Come on let's go outside in the beautiful green forest and play with all our other friends." Stiles said as he pranced towards the door opening it and danced to the forest. Stiles walked towards the giant field that was a little bit away from his small cottage. He ran out there as he twirled around humming sweet music as his best friends a squirrel and the birdies. He sat down on the green soft grass as he picked fresh beautiful daisies and roses to make more flower crown and daisy chains.

"When you go and I'm all alone, you live in my imagination." He sang softly as he picked the flowers and started making daisy chains. "The summer time and butterflies all belong to your creation." He sang as he gasped and looked at small Liam who was laying on his lap sleeping woke up and looked at Stiles curiously. "Look at those delicious apples on that tree Liam. I want to have one." Stiles said as he got up and started climbing the tree almost slipping on some branches. As he tried to reach the one on the far branch his foot slipped and fell. He screamed as he braced for the impact but instead he fell in soft arms. He slowly peaked through one eye and saw a charming young man. Surely a prince and belongs to the royal family. "Oh! You nearly hit the ground my love. But I'm so glad to have caught you in my arms." The handsome young prince said and Stiles' eyes widened and blushed. "Forgive my clumsy self prince." Stiles said as he kept his gaze down not meeting the prince's eyes. The prince put Stiles down on his feet and looked at him making Stiles flush from head to toe. "Oh no need for apologies, beautiful but may I know your name?" The prince asked and Stiles nodded. "My name is Stiles." He introduced himself as the prince took his hand on his got on one knee and kissed Stiles' soft hand. "Such beautiful name for such a beautiful boy." He said making Stiles smile widely because someone just called him beautiful. "Let me introduce myself. I am Jackson Whittemore, Prince of Andalasia." He said and Stiles gasped. "Y-you are the mighty prince looking for his other prince?" Stiles asked and Jackson nodded. "I believe I have found my other half my love." Jackson said. "Who is the lucky one? If may ask?" Stiles spilled his curiosity. "Its you my love. I have finally found you." Jackson said and Stiles jumped in his arms. "My prince!" Stiles exclaimed happily and spent rest of the day exploring. Stiles was sure he has finally found his soulmate.

Meanwhile in a corner of Andalasia Kate, step-mother of Jackson was fuming with anger that her stupid step son had found his prince and that she could no longer take over the kingdom. She looked into her magic pond which showed how fun the pair were having and how happy they were, but she wouldn't let that happiness last for long. "Matt! Come here you useless pile of dust!" Kate snarled as Matt came running trying to prevent Kate getting mad at him. "Yes my queen. You called?" Matt said and bowed down to Kate who snarled at him. "Look at them! They will not rule this kingdom! It will always be me. And as long as that low life Stiles is here I can't have that. So I have a plan and you're gonna help me!" Kate said with a dirty look on her face as Matt nodded his head in fear.

"Jackson dear. Can you invite your beloved prince so I can give him my special welcome gift?" Kate said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Yes, queen." Jackson replied to his step mother who he admired but was blind to her intentions. The next day Jackson did what he was told and brought Stiles to meet with Kate. "She will love you Stiles. Anyone can love you. I love you." Jackson babblers while leading Stiles into the garden where Kate stood. The aura around Kate was not good and Stiles could sense that. "Oh good. Jackson! I see you brought him. Now can you leave for the day so we can get to know each other better?" Kate asked smiling and Jackson reluctantly did what he was told. "I will meet you at the end of the day my love. My mother will accompany you." Jackson said kissing Stiles' knuckles and left. Now that Stiles was alone with Kate, it scared him so much. "You know you will never marry my step son and rule over this kingdom because I won't let you." Kate snarled at Stiles and Stiles backed away in fear. "I - I'm not." Stiles couldn't even form a sentence and before he knew he was pushed inside the pond. He screamed for help but it was no use. He fell and fell and fell until he got his head out of a hole and could finally breathe. He looked around but everything was so unfamiliar and scary. It was dark but at the same time there were bright lights surrounding him. He got out if there and looked at his ruined dress and his shoulders slumped. He didn't let himself get sad because he knew that prince Jackson would come to rescue him.

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