Love bug

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I'm really
sorry for updating so late. I'm kind of sick and yeah it sucks. This is shorter that my usual stories and kinda fluff and all fluff. Its not that good. But I promise the next one will be good with a better storyline.

Stiles made his way in the loft where Derek was watching TV with the rest of his pack. Stiles slumped next to Derek and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from Derek's hands and started eating from it. Derek just glared at the spastic human.
"Excuse me, I was eating those!" Derek said still glaring at stiles.
"What?" Stiles said innocently stuffing popcorns in his mouth. Derek didn't say anything but just rolled his eyes concentrating on the TV. The rest of the pack just sat there quietly not saying anything about how Derek let stiles steal his popcorns and was okay with it.
The next day stiles came to Derek's loft soaking wet. It was raining out side and stiles thought it'd be a good idea to walk to Derek's loft. He really couldn't run fast like he thought he could.
"Woah! Stiles? What happened?" Isaac asked once he saw the wet human shivering by the door.
"Rain. Wet. Cold." Stiles mumbled making his way inside the loft wanting to be warm. Just as he made his way to the fire Derek came in and looked at stiles with a concerned look. Or that's what stiles swore he saw for a split second. Maybe water was getting into his brain.
"Stiles! Go to my room and change from some of my clothes. You're getting the floor all wet." Derek said and the young teenager huffed but happily obliged. Isaac stood there gaping like a fish.
"What?" Derek asked Isaac with a raised eyebrow. (a/n: I typed ibrow first lol)
"You just let stiles go to your room." Isaac said still shocked.
"So?" Derek glared at Isaac.
"Nothing. Nothing." Isaac shrunk and made himself scarce from Derek.

"I'm telling you! Derek let stiles in his room." Isaac flailed at the pack where Derek and stiles were missing.
"So? What the big deal?" Jackson snorted looking at the scarf boy.
"So what?! Derek never let's anyone in his room! And he just let stiles in his room and borrow his clothes. And I never even saw stiles leaving that night!" Isaac rambled.
"So what does this mean?" Lydia asked looking curious.
"I think Derek likes stiles." Liam added and everyone agreed.
"Hey guys! What are you talking about?" Stiles asked his group of friends who looked towards him.
"Umm..nothing! Just the weather and stuffs!" Scott said panicking. Everyone just glared at him while stiles looked at his best friend funny.
"Oh-Kay than." Stiles said as he sat down next to Scott.
"Hey! How'd you get here? I thought your jeep was being repaired." Scott asked.
"Oh yeah it is. I came here in a car." Stiles said and started stuffing his mouth with curly fries.
"You don't have a car." Jackson snorted and stiles glared at him.
"No, Derek let me borrow his Camero." Stiles said and liam literally choked on nothing.
"What?!" The whole pack said in unison.
"What? Sourwolf can let me borrow his car!" Stiles said defensively.
"Yup he likes him." Isaac mumbled but stiles heard it.
"Who likes who now?" Stiles asked and a chorus of 'shut up Isaac!' Or 'no one!' Were heard from the pack making stiles look at them suspiciously.
"And the coach made me do suicide! Like why am I even alive? It wasn't even my fault that Greenberg fell. Okay maybe I wasn't looking where I was going and the coach just happened to be right there!" Stiles continued to ramble about what happened at school and Derek was just setting there looking at stiles fondly. Stiles turned to look at Derek and their eyes caught together and stiles blushed deeply.
"What?" Stiles asked still blushing.
"Nothing its just your really cute when you ramble." Derek stated making stiles feel funny inside.
"Shut up!" Stiles mumbled looking at the floor and focused on one spot on the floor.
"Go out with me." Derek said shocking the both of them. Stiles looked at Derek to see if he was joking but couldn't find anything except for the look of hope.
"I um.. Okay." Stiles said and Derek smiled so brightly that stiles thought he was dreaming. He had never seen Derek smile like that before.
Derek pulled stiles into his arms as they laid in the sofa watching star wars.

"Omg! Yes! You are the best!" Stiles squealed wrapping his arms around Derek's neck. Derek wrapped his arms around the tiny human feeling happy.
"I freaking love carnivals! Thank you so much sourwolf!" Stiles said happily and kissed Derek's cheek making Derek blush because of stiles' action. Derek had decided that he would take stiles on a carnival near the city for their first date and stiles was more than happy. He was ecstatic.
"I'm glad you like it." Derek said looking at his childish date who was looking at all the colorful surrounding around him.

They spent all day riding various rides that stiles wanted, moving form food stall to food stall to which Derek's initial reaction was "Man! For a small human he sure eats like an elephant". Stiles made Derek take photos at the photo booth and also took a cliché picture of them kissing. All in all it was a perfect date. After the date ended and Derek took stiles home Derek acted really awkward as he wanted to kiss stiles. Stiles just chuckled and pulled Derek by his collar and whispered "you're such a dork." And kissed him. It was long and meaningful.
It had been a month since Derek and stiles' date and now they were boyfriends. Derek had gone out of his way to ask stiles the question. Derek kicked Isaac out of his loft for the night and set everything up. He had lighted the loft like it was Christmas and flowers were decorating the pathway to the table. He first slip a note on stiles' locker asking him to come to his loft and when stiles reached there were flowers, candles, chocolates and Derek standing there with a teddy bear holding a sign asking him to be his boyfriend. Stiles was crying and ran to Derek jumping into his arms legs wrapping around Derek's waist saying 'yes' repeatedly before Derek shut him up by kissing him.
It was the first time that they made love to each other.
Few days later stiles woke up in Derek's arms and decided he'd make breakfast for his sourwolf. He was wearing Derek's sweater which reached up to his mid thigh with boxers underneath. He was whisking eggs when he felt arms snake around his waist and a kiss on the back of his neck.
"Good morning love." Derek rasped and stiles turned his head to look at his boyfriend and pecked his lips.
"Good morning sourwolf. I hope you like omelette." Stiles said and turned his focus to the eggs. Derek just hummed in answer.
"I KNEW IT!" Came a voice from behind making both stiles and Derek turn around to see the whole pack looking at them with wide eyes.
"I knew you liked him Derek!" Isaac stated as if he was proud of himself.
"I mean you never let anyone other then stiles in your room. You let stiles to steal your food. And you let him borrow your car." Isaac analyzed making Derek scoff.
"Yeah! You're so whipped!" Allison said making Derek glare at them and stiles blushed.
"No I'm not!" Derek denied and the pack just rolled their eyes.
"Yes you are my sourwolf." Stiles said and Derek glared at him too.
"I hate you." Derek mumbled making stiles laugh.
"I love you too der." Stiles said and Derek smiled because it was their first time saying it.
"I love you too stiles." Derek said kissing the human before the pack rudely interrupted them.
"You also got a bug Derek!" Scott squeaked.
"What bug?" Derek asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"The Loooooove Bug." Scott teased and Derek growled as the pack burst into fits of giggle and ran away.

So fluffy.
I hope you liked this even if it was sticky. (Wrote sucky but fuck autocorrect!)
Anyway. Thank you so much for 5k reads and over 200 votes. You guys are the best!!
I love y'all.

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