Mercy X Reader: Dance With Me

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A/N: Good day, friends! The angel has arrived! Angela is such a cutie oh my god

Again, sorry for the wait. Have a super long story to make up for it!

PLEASE critique! If you think something is wrong or my writing style needs improvement, say so! Requests are CLOSED! I hope you enjoy!


"OW!" You yelped. 

"Please hold still, Y/n." Angela scolded you. She was bandaging your arm. You had taken some serious hits during your last mission. It was NOT a good feeling. 

"Sorry." You said. 

"You don't need to apologize," she offered. "After all, I owe you. That bullet you caught would have..." 

"Oh, of course! OW!" You straightened up, the pain roaring through you. "Always willing to take a bullet for you, Angie!" 

Angela chuckled, and you swore you saw her cheeks turn red. 

"Don't make a habit of it." She finished wrapping up your arm and helped you stand up. "Better?"

"Loads," you confessed. 

"Wonderful! I'd say you're good to go." She exclaimed. This was it. 

"Hey, Angie." She turned towards you. "You know, there's a gala of sorts going on soon. We're supposed to bring someone, and I was wondering if..." You explained.

"Oh. Oh! Oh, yes, o-of course! I would love to accompany you!" She gave a smile. 

"Wonderful! It's Friday evening, so... I'll see you then?" The two of you shared a laugh. 


You straightened your clothes. They were expensive, but you looked very nice in them. Now, you just had to go get Angela and get to the party. It was a big, high-society thing. Super formal and all that. 

You stood in front of Angela's door and knocked twice. 

"Just a moment!" Her voice rang through the door. You waited for about two minutes before the door cracked open. 

There she was. 

Angela looked fantastic. She wore a long, black, sparkly dress that reached her ankles. Her hair was combed and let down. Two red cross earrings decorated her ears. She was clutching a small purse. 

"How do I look?" She asked. Her sapphire eyes sparkled with life. 

"Angie, I - I - You look amazing!" You blurted out. She covered her face, laughing. Taking her arm in yours, you two walked to the gala.

A contemplative jazz band greeted you as you arrived. The host did a great big 'welcome to the party' speech, and everything was set in motion. 

The two of you were sitting at a table, discussing your passions and sharing a nice bottle of wine. 

"I'm serious! The Great Gatsby is a fantastic read! It may be over a century old, but it's got some compelling material." You explained. 

"I'll have to take your word for it!" Angela took a sip of her wine. 

Soon, you were talking with some of the other team members, who were also invited to the gala. But you were too focused on Angela. Her voice spoke louder to you than anyone else's. You thought it was the wine, but you started to feel yourself get closer...

The band music slowed down, and the lights dimmed. 

"Oh!" Angela's face brightened in the low light. "Y/n, won't you dance with me?" 

You were floored. 

"S-Sure!" was all you could manage. She took your arm and led you out onto the floor. You put your hands on her lower back, and she wrapped her arms around your shoulders in the classic slow dance pose. 

"I know this song," you recognized. "This is Ain't Misbehavin'!"

"Oh?" Angela tilted her head. 

"It's an old song, from the 1930's. I sang it once, you know!" You started humming. Angela was entranced. 

"You never told me you could sing!" She chuckled, and you smiled. 

Your faces were inching closer and closer. You moved a stray hair out of Angela's face, and she looked down. Her cheeks were red, and so were yours. 

"Hey, Angie?" You started.

"Yes?" She looked back at you, and there was something else in her eyes. There was love in her eyes. 

"I, um... Oh, how do I put this? I..." You struggled to get the words out. "I don't know what to say."

"I do," she suggested, and she touched the back of your head. "Kiss me." 

"...That's a good suggestion," you quipped, and she laughed. Almost instinctively, your lips made contact. It was enchanting. You hugged each other, sharing that kiss for a very long time. When you finally broke contact, the two of you were breathing very heavily. 

"...That was good..." She gasped.

"What can I say? I've been saving them." You grinned, and she laughed. 

"You always know just what to say!" She said. You kissed her again. 

Later, the gala ended, and you walked Angela back to the base. At her door, you stopped.

"Thanks, Angie." You said. 

"I should be thanking you, Y/n," she stated. "For taking me on such a lovely night." The two of you kissed yet again.

"See you tomorrow, then?" You started to turn around, but you were interrupted.

"Wait! Don't go..." That last statement was a bit quieter, and you looked at her. "I mean... do you maybe... want to stay here for the night?" 

You blinked a couple of times, attempting to register that statement in your head. 

"Of course!" You said, and she smiled. You spent the next couple of hours watching old romance movies, eating some dinner, and... well, what you would normally do on a night like this.

You two were cuddling together, in bed. You gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

"I love you," you whispered. She sighed contentedly. 

Soon enough, you drifted off to sleep, knowing you were protected by an angel.


A/N: I've never even read The Great Gatsby

Over 1,000 reads?! Thank you so much, everyone! I couldn't have done this without your wonderful requests! Again, I'm so sorry this took so long!

Requests are CLOSED! As always, I hope you enjoyed! I'll see you all next time!

Overwatch and all the sweet characters belong to Blizzard Entertainment. You, the reader, belong to you.

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