My Steven Universe OC

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My name is Blue Citrine, after my gem. It's located on my right shoulder. Now, let me explain my backstory. IN STORY FORM!!!! And maybe as a Peedee X Blue Citrine...

Blue Citrine's POV

I am a young home world gem, previously loyal to Yellow Diamond. My gem was yellow/orangish, naturally. Though, I had always had a feeling that Yellow Diamond was not the goddess we thought she was.

I confronted my diamond, getting insulted and tested on by her and her followers. They tried to change my gem, but they failed, only coloring half of my gem and a little of my physical form. They also stripped me of my gear, making me stumble without my limb enhancements.

As a disappointment, I was ordered to follow Blue Diamond as my new diamond. She was a lot nicer then Yellow Diamond, but still as cruel as the others. I was not wanted because of my gem discoloration though.

During an invasion on home world, I stumbled into space for a few decades, drifting towards Earth, I heard some gems call it. I woke up on some sort of soft ground, a yellowish tan. I groaned and sat up from my spot in the weird minerals.

I looked at my gem, it was cracked from my landing. I looked at my new surroundings, seeing weird stands of some sorts. I dusted off my hair and body. I stumbled around on my gravity connectors, walking on a sturdy brown surface.

"W-Where am I?" I say as I look to the ocean in front of me. I trip and squeal, about to fall backwards, when I am caught by a pair of arms.

Peedee's POV

I finally finished cleaning the fryers! I really hope dad pays me more for this...


I immediately turn towards the source of the noise to see a girl laying on the ground. She has electric blue hair with an orange streak in a low ponytail, a peachy skin tone with a tint of blue, and something round on her right shoulder.

Being the paranoid person that I am, I leave my post and run towards the girl. She looks out into the ocean and falls backwards on her feet. Luckily, I catch her like some sort of trust fall. She stands up and looks at me weirdly.

"What are you?" She asks me and pokes my cheek. She does it repeatedly.

"I'm...a human...?" I say, not sure what to make of this situation.

"A...human?" She slightly tilts her head at my response.

"Yeah...I'm Peedee. What's you're name?" I ask her. She looks down to her feet.

"B-Blue, Blue Citrine."

"What? Isn't that a gem name?" A click finally goes off in my head.

She's a gem like Steven and his friends...

"YOU'RE A GEM?!" I exclaim at point at her, my eyes widening. She looks at me worriedly.

"Y-Yeah...wh-" I grab her arm and run to Steven's

"W-Where are we going?" She asks me.

"To the Crystal Gem's-" She stops in our tracks, wide eyed.

"No. Not the rebels..." she murmurs.


"You don't understand! They're the rebels of Home World! They-they'll destroy me!" She makes hand gestures, kneeling on the sand.

She's been through a lot...and it's pretty late...maybe I can just invite Steven over at the lighthouse tomorrow.

"Pl-please don't take me there, um...Peedee." She begs me. I sigh and nod my head.

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