Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to harry potter fans everywhere

Mary was an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. She went to school and got average grades. She was happy with her life although she was an orphan. This story begins near her 11th birthday at the orphanage.

The owner of the orphanarium was Mrs.Goldensmidkallton. She had given Mary a letter. On the front it had said in pretty blue ink:

"To our daughter Mary Lunar

To be given to on 11th birthday"

Mary opened it on her birthday itself inside the letter read:

"Dear Mary,

We are sorry we left you in an orphanage for all your life but we were in grave danger. All you need to know is that you are a witch. We love you please remeber this. A man will be coming for you a week after your birthday. He will take you to your new school. Don't fight who you are we left some galleons in the envelope. We also left a family photo so you may see us.

                                    With Love,

                                                         Mom and Dad"

<Mary's PoV>

It's been a week since read mum and dads letter. Mrs.Goldensmidkallton just told me someone is here to adopt me. I got dressed in my nicest dress to make myself presentable. the man who walked in my room had to be at least 7 feet tall! He spoke in a trange accent.

" 'Ello Mary I'm Hagrid. I here to take you to the finest wizardin school in existence." The man told me.

I didn't say aord until we started walking.

"Am I dreaming? This all can't  be real I mean there is no such thing a magic!" I laughed nervously

"Ya ain't dreamin. Magic is real alright.."

I am going crazy I swear to god I am. Hagrid grabbed me and put me on a massive motorcycle.

"We gotta pick someone else up." He said.

We drove for awhile til we got to the woods then we flew. We flew till like the dead of night! I swear it had tobe close to midnight. We landed somewhere near the ocean.

"We gotta get in a boat now." Hagrid told me.

We hopped in a boat and he began rowing. We got to a light house that seemed old and abandonded. Hagrid knocked on the door till it had fallen. then you have probably heard the rest. if not then what basicly happened was Hagrid came to pick up someone gave him a cake and used magic to give the kids cousin a tail. I couldn't see very well. We ended up sleeping there for the night.

<Next Morning>

I woke up next to the kid we were picking up. He was kinda cute. Oh dammit i forgot his name oh well. *tap tap tap* What is that noise. Oh he woke up.

"Morning" I told him

"Who are you?" Ha he doesnt know me either!

"Mary, Mary Lunar who are you?"

"Harry, Harry Potter." He looked around then got up and opened the window, an owl flew in and dropped a paper.

Hagrid woke up and said "He wants to be paid theres money in the poket of the jacket."

Harry grabbed the money and paid the owl. Hagrid had started to cook some sosages.

"So Harry how long have you known your a wizard?" I asked.

"Since last night you?"

"About a week"


We ate then hagrid said we needed to get our school stuff.


i am ending this chapter here because i really want to see if people are going to read so please read and vote!

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