Chapter 7

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Party Time for Mary but why no other Gryffindors? Keep reading to see why. And who is Mary's father?

Newly named Nerdfighter out!!!!!!!!


 <Mary's PoV>

"Harry? Hermione?" I said walking around the library.

"Over here!" Hermione said.

"Yay you aren't missing! Come on lets get back to the common room I gotta tell you guys what happened on the way to Dumbledors office." I told them. "Ron I found them!"

"Okay" Ron said coming to the table.

We all started to walk back to the dormitory, when we get to the stair cases I notice something strange. I think Hermione noticed it too.

"You guys I think we should go faster." She said.

"What do you mean?" I said just as the stair case began to move.

"What's happening!?" Harry asked.

"The stair cases move remember?" Hermione said.

The stair cased stopped.

"Lets hurry before the stair case moves again." Ron said.

"Yeah" Me and Harry said.

We run straight into a room we aren't aloud to go. Oh no. It's dark, I don't like the dark. All the statues scare me, they remind of a Doctor Who episode with statues killing people. I decided not to look away from them.

"Anyone else get the feeling we are not suppose to be here?" Ron asked.

"That's because we aren't! This area is restricted."

"Let's get out of here." I said.

"Before we get expelled." Hermione said.

Then to make the fact that we were somewhere we weren't supposed to be, Ms. Norris, caretaker Filtch's, cat was there meowing at us when a light suddenly turned on.

"We need to hid!" Harry said.

We ran and as we did lights lite up and burned off. We get to the end of the hall. There's a door YAY. 

"It's lock we can't get in!" Ron said.

"Oh, back up! Alohamora!" Hermione said.

Oh, yeah standard book of spells chapter seven!

"Alohamora?" Ron asked.

"Standard book of spells chapter seven." She answered.

We get in the door into a room. I stand completely still gaping at what I see.

"That was close." Harry said.

"Yeah, but this room was locked. It must have been locked for a reason!" Hermione pointed out.

Oh, it was locked for a reason. That's when they noticed it, the giant three headed dog waking up. We ran out as fast as we can when I noticed something, it was standing on a trap door. Mmmh strange.

"What was that thing?!" Harry asked.

"I don't know" I said.

"Well why would they keep a thing, like that, locked up in school?" Ron asked.

"Didn't see what it was standing on?" Hermione asked.

"No, I wasn't paying attention to it's feet, I was more focused on it's Heads! If you didn't notice there are three of them!" Ron snapped.

"Well it was standing on a trap door!" Hermione said. "It's obviously guarding something!"

"I wonder what it is." I said.

"Well I don't know about you guys but I am going up to my room, before you guys come up with another plan to get us killed or worse expelled" Hermione said.

Hermione stormed off.

"I still have to tell you two what happened on my way to Dumbledor's office earlier but I think we should get back to the dorm. I want to make to our seventh year." I said.

We head back to the dorm and this time we get there!

"Purple beazors! " I said apparently Neville forgot again!

"Thank you Mary." He said as we walked into the common room.

We sit down and wait till the common room was almost empty, as people went down to dinner. I told them what happened with Crabbe, Goyle, and, ugh, Malfoy.

"Bloody Hell!" Ron said. "What did you yell?"

"Nut Shot 20 points to me!" I said.

"Awesome." Harry said.

"Well I think it dumb and you could get detention from it." Hermione said.

"God Hermione, why do you have to be such a buzz kill?!" Ron said. (<--- Yay Starkid!)

"Because Ron school is not about getting expelled and detentions!" Hermione said.

"Well, Malfoy seemed to be like weird after that he has already tried to flirt with me at the robe shop, remember Harry?" I said. Harry's hands turned to fists.

"Yes I do..." He said.

Fred and George came over from across the room.

"Did you guys know that Slytherin is having a Party in the Great Hall tonight?" Fred said.

"Wait, WHAT!?"  I said. "Wouldn't that be after hours and not allowed?"

"No Snape gave them permission!" George stated.

"Oh my f*cking gosh!"

"I think we should get to sleep you guys." Hermione said.

"I think I am going to go look downstairs at the party, I mean it can't be to good can it?" I said.  

"Mary don't you could get in big trouble for just being out of the dorm!" Hermione warned me.

"I'll be fine!" I said. "I'll just run down there real fast and peak into the great hall come on how much trouble can I really get into?" I asked looking toward Fred and George.

"You'll get one night of detention." Fred said.  

"That's not that bad." Ron said.

"Don't tell me your supporting her! This is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard." Hermione yelled. "I am going to bed. Good night and good luck!" she said storming up the stairs to the girls dorm.

"Well see you guys later I'm going." I said climbing through the portrait hole.

I walk near the walls to stay out of the way of anyone in the halls. I get to the moving stair cases when I see Hagrid walking toward the headmasters office. I ran to the darkest corner and waited till he passed by.

I am finaly at the main stair case and now i can hear the party in the Grande Hall. A spiral of purple smoke come up to me and i suddently get really tired. Next thing I know I am in slytherin robes and sitting up right on a couch in the Grande Hall! I have so many questions, but the first is, WHY IS DRACO MALFOY SITTING NEXT TO ME??????????

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