Longing For

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Im longing for someone to be mine.

I feel like a lost soul trying to find its way to the afterlife,

I have hope but there is no guarantee on the price of love,

But I feel like I need it now,

Too young to be thinking about this,

Too insecure to think anyone could love me,

Too worried that if I do, I will mess it all up.

Maybe I'm influenced by others and the way they act,

The downfalls make me  question it all.

My mind goes to fantasies, meeting someone and,

Falling in love over time and,

Its just too much for me too handle.

Its just stressful yet so wonderful to just imagine it.

I need to focus on reality,

There are more important problems going on right now, 

This is not one of them.

When I complain and mope and ask, they always say,

You'll be alright, it just takes time,

It takes time.

But what if I don't want to wait?

I'm too greedy for my own good.

Its hard to explain,

Its like your life is complete but there are just a few things missing,

And love is just one of them.

Too melodramatic?

I thought so too.

Im longing for a person who is,

Sweet and,

Kind and,

Fun and,

Responsible and,

Smart and,

Funny and,

Overall just the right person for me.

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