Chapter 9-SUPRISE

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Natsus POV

i wake up at 5:00am becuase my wound was still playing up. i know it has been months but i still feel aches here and there. when my dad found out he started blaming himself for some stange reason.


'hey natsu come watch the game with me' dad said patting the sofa before me going upstairs. i walked over and fro some strange reason my stomache was in so much pain from where the wound was.

'AHHHH!' i screamed and collasped on the floor.

'NATSU!...ARE YOU OKAY?' i saw my dad run up to me. i couldn't speak the pain was just stopping my speech so i had to point to my scar wound.

'n-natsu...what, what happend?' my dad was speechless 'this is...all my fault...i'm hardly ever here...i'll make it up to you son. i'll call polyusika' i could fell my dads warm tears land on my wound scar which was slightly stung but i had no strength to react to the pain.


when polyusika came she closed my wound by stitching it tightly. she then wrapped a bandage around my wound after that she left without us saying thank you. lets just say she doesn't like anyone apart from her grandchildren.



i just sat there on my bed rubbing my stitch. i then heard my phone ring, i looked down to see lucys name appear on my screen.

'hello' i said yawning.

'oh sorry did i wake sound like you just woke up' wait did lucy just call me...i always call her. somethings up.

'no don't worry about it luce...i was awake for ages hehe' i laughed nervously. i didn't question her for calling because maybe her mum or dad are awake and she might of asked them to call me.

'well i just wanted to tell you i have something to show you guys later today at school' lucy sounded really exited. it made me nervous becuase what could she possibly show us.

'oh okay cool' i said and then i heard happy wake up from beside me now i can proove to lucy he ain't a normal cat. 'hey luce just hang on a sec'. i said. i picked happy up and put him on my lap.

'hey buddy i'm talking to the person who kind of invented you...could you please be able to at least say that 'aye' thing you always say' i whisperd to the yawning cat.

'hey sorry luce...i'm back...just listen'


i shook the cat gently and he looked at me and i nodded.

'aye' yes he said it. the phone line was silent until i heard lucy squeal.

'told you luce. he can talk' i said prooving my point and lucy was laughing.

'oh my gosh that is like the cutest thing ever'. i thought she was going to be freaked out but i have to admit. the past few months with this cat he is actually quite cool. i mean who else has a blue flying talking cat.

'okay well natsu i am going to go back to sleep for a few more minutes. i'll see you in the next few hours' i chuckled throught the phone making her giggle.

'okay luce...i'll see you later' i said softly.

'love you' i loved hearing her say those words. it made me chuckle again.

'love you to luce' i said and she giggled. and i hung up the phone. i smiled and then got my outfit ready for today.

i pulled out a red shirt. blue jeans. and my white scarfe.

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