Chapter 5

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I feel different...

Like I'm floating...

That's not possible...

I can't just float, right?

Wait... I can think again.

Am I awake?

Can I open my eyes?

Or move my arms or legs?

Hold on... I can do it. Just one more second.

Ugh this is hard. I never knew it was so hard to open my eyes.

Wait I hear something.

Am I thinking it?

Or am I dreaming it?

No! It's coming from the real world!

It's... a boy?

"Hey, Taylor... Uh I know you probably can't hear me, but I want you to know that I love you a lot. Even though I we fought that night... I never meant anything that I said. I'm so sorry. I went to call you you. I knew I had to call you, but once I did, it was too late..." I hear the boy sniffle and i feel a tear drop on my arm. Poor boy. "I'm sorry this happened to you. I see you on this hospital bed hoping... wishing that I can see you're wonderful blue eyes again. I want to hear your laugh. The first and all the laughs I have ever heard from you. I hope you'll wake up. I have only been waiting for to wake up for 3 months, but I'm losing hope, Taylor. I don't think I can stand seeing you in this hospital bed anymore. Please wake up. I miss you..." The boy starts to cry even more.

Poor guys. I just want to open my eyes to see who this mystery man is. Did he call me Taylor? That is NOT my name...

I struggle once again to open my eyes and suddenly they do.

"Umm... Harry? Is that you?" I ask confused.

He looks up in surprise. His red shot eyes wide. I watch a smile creep up on his face showing dimples in his tear stained cheeks. Aww cute. Dimples are so adorable. "Taylor... h-how are you?"

"I'm okay I guess. My head hurts a bit, but everything seems to be fine... right?" I ask hoping there is nothing seriously wrong with me.

"Oh no. There is nothing wrong. They were just trying to figure out why you didn't wake up right away." Harry explains.

"Oh... um where's Eleanor?" I ask. I desperately need to see my bestfriend.

"Who?" He asks in bewilderment. He has a strange face full of confusion right now. Weird...

"My best friend. Eleanor. Is she here?"

"Um... you mean Louis' girlfriend? Then no. You guys aren't really friends... I thought Selena was your best friend?" He asks more confused then before.

"Selena... Selena who? Who is that? Is she pretty?" I don't know any Selena's... This is confusing.

"Yeah I guess." He says hesitant to answer.

"Okay. One more thing." I say.

"What is it?"

"My name isn't Taylor... My name is Summer." I state.

There was a pause of realization. "Um... should I call the nurse?"

"No... This has to be a dream. I don't kniw any Taylor peoples. I don''t know any Selena's. It's like I'm in a parallel universe. I just want to go back home and sleep. Maybe cook a bit or ride my bike. Then I'll go to College the next day. Mabe then it will get better or something." I clap my hands in the plan I just thought of.

"Uh... Taylor or Summer or whatever your name is there is one more thing." he says cautiously.

I throw my hands up in the air in frustration. "Ugh! What else do I noy know about myself?"

"You can't go home.... or to college."

"Why not, Harry? That's what I always do." I complain.

"You have to go back to my flat and you don't go to college. You are a famous popstar."

"What? No no no. Never. I amnot a popstar!" I deny.

"You are! And your songs are amazing. You write all of them yourself-"

I cut him off. "I-I write my own songs? How many albums do I have?"

"Yeah.. You just finished your 4th album. It's called Red... Are you sure I don't need to call a nurse?"

"Um... no... I-I just need time to think for a while." I say staring at the white hospital sheets.

"Okay. Well, I guess I'll leave for now, Tay-Summer. See you later." He waves before exiting. I see him talk to a nurse. He points at me a few times before the nurse nods her head in understanding.

How did this happen? Did I really write all kinds of songs. How many of them was from when I was younger? How old am I now?

So many questions passed through my mind. I barely had time to think about them. So my name is Taylor. Taylor who? Do I have a middle name? Ugh. I am so confused.

Was "A Place in This World" on there or "Teardrops on my Guitar"? What about "Stay Stay Stay"? Is that one on an album? Did I write new ones? How many songs have I written in general?

Everything has changed... What happened? I wonder if I died, but got sent to live in another body. I wonder if I have a destiny to fulfill. Do you think so?

God must've put me in this body for a reason.

Actually, I haven't looked in a mirror yet. I wonder how I do look. What color is my hair? My eyes?

I get up and walk into the hospital bathroom in the room. It's a small bathroom. It has a decent sized shower/bath. A normal toilet and an ordinary sink. There is a mirror that sits over the sink. There isn't anything special about this bathroom. I suppose it's like mine. Although, my bathroom is a bit bigger.

I look into the mirror and I have literally the same body from before. My eyes. My lips. My hair. My everything. It's all the same. That is strange. Maybe I'm in an alternate universe or something.


Yeah, let's just go with that for now.

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