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Cory brought the girls home and immediately had to go back to work. "I'll figure this out girls. I promise," he had told them before leaving.

Riley and Maya took their usual seats at the Bay Window, neither saying anything for a long time. It was Riley who finally broke the silence.

"What do we do Maya?"

"I don't have any answers to this one, Riles."

"Why are people so cruel?"

"I don't have the answer to that either."

"The world is supposed to be a good place. People should just be happy for other people. If Lucas can be ok with this why can't the rest of the school?"

"Because he's Lucas the Good. He may not be perfect, but he's a good person. Not everyone is."

"I'm really scared now, Maya," she turned to look at her.

Maya locked eyes with Riley. "I am too. I'm afraid someone will hurt you."

"What about someone hurting you?"

"You matter more to me," she places her hand on Riley's cheek. "You've always mattered the most to me."

Riley closed her eyes and leaned into Maya's hand sighing. "You matter the most to me too, Peaches."

"Riles," Maya said. It wasn't a question. She poured all of her feelings into the one word before leaning in and brushing her lips to Riley's.

Riley lifted both her hands up to pull Maya in closer by each side of her face.

Maya trembled to at the sensation of her touch and moaned into Riley's mouth.


"Riley," Maya protested.



"Maya," she continued kissing her.


"Riley, the door."


"Someone is ringing the buzzer."

"They'll leave. We aren't here, its the middle of the day."


"They aren't leaving."


"Fine!" Riley yelled frustrated, jumping to her feet.

They made their way downstairs. Riley opened the door to find Shawn and Katy, Maya's mother.

"What happened, baby girl," asked Katy and she and Shawn entered the apartment.

Maya looked at them, "How did you know we were here?"

"My dad called them. Didn't he, Uncle Shawn?"

"He did. He didn't tell me what happened," he walked over the couch and sat down. "I got a call that said something happened and that I needed to pick up Katy and get over here as soon as possible."

Katy took the seat next to Shawn on the couch, "What happened?"

"He really didn't tell you?" Maya looked between them.

"No, Maya. He didn't tell us," Shawn said. "He told me what happened wasn't your fault, and neither of you did anything wrong. Whatever it was he said it was important we came here right now. So what happened?"

"Mom," Maya looked at Katy and then to Shawn, "Shawn. I um..." She closed her eyes, trying to find the strength to continue. "I'm gay."

"Oh," Shawn said. "Not to be insensitive, but why was urgent? We both took off work."

"Wait, you aren't surprised?" Maya asked.

"Maya, your mother and I don't care who you love. That doesn't change how we feel about you."

"He's right, baby girl. Plus, I've known since you were twelve."

"There's more," Maya continued. She looked at Riley for permission to continue.

"This part I need to say," Riley spoke up. She walked to Maya and took her hand. "I don't know what I am. I do know I am in love with my best friend," she looks to Maya. "I love Maya."

Maya smiled at Riley and then turned back to Shawn and her mom, "I'm in love with my best friend too."

Shawn looked to Katy, "Did we miss the part that explains why we had to take off from work?"

"This doesn't surprise them either?" Maya asked Riley in a mix out outrage and disappointment.

"You two were pretty obvious," said Shawn.

Maya threw her hands up in the air. "I can't believe this."

"Maya, that part doesn't matter."

"What part does matter?" Katy asked.

Maya pressed her lips together into a line and braced herself to say what needed to be said, "The people at school weren't as accepting as you."

"My dad sent us home because," tears formed in Riley's eyes, "because people wrote... things on our lockers. And they shouted things at us."

"Bad things," added Maya. "Really, really bad things."

Shawn and Katy both stood from their seats on the couch. Each of them took one of the girls in their arms to embrace them, Shawn grabbing Riley as Katy held Maya.

"I am so sorry, girls," said Shawn. "Sometimes the world isn't the kindest place."

"That's why our safe place is each other," Maya said as she reached from Katy's embrace to grasp Riley's hand.

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