Welcome Back Maya

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"It's your first day back, Baby Girl. Are you excited?" Katy asked her daughter.

"I'm more excited I only have to be back for a week before Christmas break," Maya answered her. "I need to go, Riley is expecting me to pick her up at 7."

"Not so fast. You aren't climbing through that window. You still aren't at 100%."

Maya opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out.

"Plus," Katy continued, "do you really think we didn't have this planned out?"

"What are you," Maya started to ask.

Katy walked over to the front door and opened it to reveal Riley. She was waiting outside, smiling, and holding a single pink rose.

"Good morning, Peaches."

"Riles!" she ran from her chair at the kitchen table to where Riley stood at the door and engulfed her in a huge hug, which Riley happily returned.

"Here, I brought you this," Riley said handing her the flower as they broke apart.

"Thanks, its beautiful. Like you," Maya bent up to give the taller girl a kiss on the cheek.

"Shall we go?" Riley offered her arm.

Maya grabbed her backpack and took Riley's arm. The two made their way to the subway arm in arm.


"How many more months of this?" Maya groaned, holding on to the subway pole.

"Maya, you haven't even been to school in almost two months!"

"No, school came to me for two months. And I have the makeup work to prove it."

"One week until Christmas break. And then six months until graduation."

"And then no more school!" Maya smiled.

"No and then college."

"Ugh, why are you doing this to me, Riles?"

"Because you are smart. And beautiful," Riley brushed her thumb across Maya's face. "And because I believe in you, baby."

"I believe in me too," Maya tried to hide a smile. "Which is why I sent out my applications over the weekend."

"Really?" Riley's face lit up in surprise.

"SCAD, Rhode Island School of Design, Art Institute, and Columbia," Maya counted them off on her fingers.

"Columbia? Really?" Riley asked.

"Really, Riles. They have an excellent art program, and it doesn't hurt that my favorite person in the world was already given early acceptance."

Riley's smile grew and she began to bounce up and down, "Yaaayyyyyy!"

"Riley, shh. We're in public!" Maya motioned to the crowded subway car.

"I don't care! We could be going to college together! We can get a dorm room together! This is going to be awesome! Oh and we have to find a dorm with a bay window," she paused, "or some sort of window. We can put a bench in front of it! I'm so excited, Peaches!"

"Riles, I haven't gotten in yet. Let's not get our hopes up, ok? You know how that goes for me."

"No," Riley said firmly. "Hope has always worked out for me. Plus, you've been doing pretty well in the hope department lately. Your mom married Shawn. He adopted you. You're getting great grades in school. You have," Maya cut her off.

"I have you."

"Yeah. You have me."

The subway car came to a stop.

"Our exit!" Riley yelled, dragging Maya out of the open door.

"Joy," Maya said sarcastically.


"Welcome back, Maya!" yelled Lucas, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle in unison as Riley and Maya approached their lockers.

"Wow. Thanks guys," she said with a huge smile as she leaned into Riley.

"Excited to be back?" asked Lucas.

"No," Maya answered plainly, shaking her head.

"Are you at least excited to see us?" Farkle asked hopefully.

"That I can say yes too," she said with a smile as she went to give her friends each a warm hug.

"We haven't seen you in weeks. It has been way too quiet," Zay added in midst of their embrace.

"I guess I'll need to do something about that," Maya responded with a hint of mischief in her voice.

"Peaches," Riley started, grabbing her hand. "You are not allowed to get suspended on your first day back."

"Whatever you say."

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