Going Home

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"Maya comes home today!" Riley screamed in glee as she ran downstairs to join her family for breakfast.

"What time is she being release again?" asked Topanga.

"3:30, giving me just enough time to make it there after my last class," she sat down at the table smiling.

"Any big plans to celebrate her being released?" Cory asked her.

"She's confined to her house with the exception of doctors appointments for a few more weeks. We're just going to hang out there. It'll be nice to spend time together somewhere that doesn't smell like disinfectant."


Maya had been staring at the clock all day. This was worse than waiting for the last day of school to end before summer vacation. If she hadn't known better she would have swore the second hand was moving in reverse.

Katy had went with the doctor to sign her release papers. Everything was ready except for Riley being there.

Maya had told Riley her release was at 3:30 so Riley would be able to get there in time. The truth was she had no idea when it would be, but the doctor had estimated early afternoon.

"All set, baby girl." Katy said as she came back into the room. "You are officially discharged."

"It's only 2:38," Maya said, being particular about the time. "We can't leave until 3:30."

"I'll see what I can do," her mother said amused.

"She's coming straight here from school. Only," she paused struggling to do the math in her head, "52 minutes to go."


"Dad! Let's go!" Riley yelled to her father. She had her hand at the door of his sedan, anxiously waiting for him to unlock the doors.

"Riley, I'm going as fast as I can."

"Go faster!"


When 3:15 rolled around Katy insisted they start getting Maya ready to leave. They wouldn't go until Riley arrived, but there was no harm in making sure she was ready.

"You'd think you hadn't seen each other in weeks the way you're counting down," Katy joked with her.

"I'm excited every day I get to see her."

"It's nice to see that after so many years of being friends. Never lose that," Katy smiled down at her daughter.

"Maya!" Riley came zooming into the room, her father trailing behind. "You're coming home today! Yay!"

Maya stared up at Riley from her wheelchair with a goofy grin across her face. "Gosh, you're cute."

"Wait, why are you in a wheel chair? Did they do something to your legs? Are you paralyzed?" Riley began to panic unnecessarily.

"Riles, calm down. They just make people leave this way, liability reasons."

"Oh," she looked embarrassed.

Maya took her hand, "Thank you for being so worried about me."

Riley bent down and gave Maya a quick kiss before saying, "I'm driving." She ran behind the chair and pushed Maya down the hall at a run.

"Well if they get hurt at least we're already at the hospital," joked Cory as they zoomed past. "You sure it's ok Riley stays tonight?"

"She's always welcome, you know that."

"I know. I ask because it's the first time they'll have a night alone since they became, well," he paused, "together."

"I trust them," replied Katy. "Plus, we've already told Maya her door stays open at all times."

"We have that same exact rule," said Cory with a hint of laughter. 

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