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"Woah," Riley said out loud as she flipped through a book in the comfort of her bay window. She gasped, "Oh my god."

"Hey, Honey," Maya popped her head through the window and climbed inside. "What are you reading?"

"Nothing," Riley said a little too quickly and tried to shove the book behind her.

"Riles?" Maya reached behind her and grabbed the book. Her eyes grew wide. "Riley, are you aware that you were reading a sex book?"

"My mom gave it to me this afternoon."

"Your mom, Topanga Matthews, gave you, Riley Matthews, a book on how to have lesbian sex?" Maya was dumbfounded.

"I may or may not have asked her how yesterday," Riley said timidly.

"You didn't," Maya said pleadingly, hoping Riley was trying to pull off some elaborate joke.

"I asked her how she knew she was ready for sex. And I followed that awkward conversation with an even more awkward conversation," she admitted.

"So your mother then went to the bookstore and bought a book on lesbian relationships."



"She bought three books," Riley said reaching down to her feet and grabbing the other two books to hand Maya. "And got me some girls number incase I had questions."

"I'm mortified," Maya said.

"That's a big word for you, Peaches."

"Well that's just how big these emotions are. I can't believe you asked your mom about sex!"

Riley lowered her head in shame. She didn't want to upset Maya. On the contrary, she did this because she wanted to do quiet the opposite of upsetting her.

"Riles, don't give me that look."

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Princess. I just cannot believe you actually did this. I'm shook. I can't remember the last time I was this shook."

"When I told you I had feelings for you?"

"Nope this is bigger," Maya said.

"When I took my shirt off in front of you?"

A huge goofy grin appeared across Maya's face.

"I will take that as a no. When Sassy Haltertop came out, and I ate Zay's cookie?"

Maya just kept smiling.

"Peaches? Earth to Maya."

"I'm still picturing it, Riles. That was a good day."

"Because we played with a puppy and a bunny, and went on a carriage ride, and you gave me my necklace?"

"Those were good, but I'm still thinking about your you-know," she flashed her eyes down to Riley's chest.

"You're incorrigible."

"Yup. And you have gorgeous breasts."


She smiled wider.

Riley gave her a stern look, "Does that mean you are done being shook?"

"Yes, that moment has passed. Now let me see these books." Maya flipped through the one Riley was reading when she arrived. "Oh my god."

"That's exactly what I said!"

"We're supposed to do that?"

"You said you were ready! I thought you knew what we did," Riley said to her half confused, half freaking out.

"I never really thought about the specifics to be honest." Maya's eyes grew bigger as she turned the page.

"I should have known. You never were one for homework," Riley said jokingly. She watched Maya scan through the diagrams and pictures in the book and began to worry. "You still want to don't you?"

"What?" Maya looked up confused about what she was being asked.

"Do that," Riley pointed to the illustration.

"More than anything. That doesn't mean I'm not freaking the hell out right now. But yes, of course I want to. I want to do everything there is to do with you, Riley," she took ahold of Riley's hand, "no matter how awkward or weird or seemingly unhygienic it seems the first time."

"With our mouths," Riley said outright.

Maya glanced down at Riley's lips and did the only thing she could think of at the moment. She licked her own and leaned in to claim hers.

"Riley!" Cory yelled from downstairs, causing the two to break apart suddenly in a fluster.

"Yes, Dad?" she yelled back downstairs, causing Maya to wince at the volume so close to her ear.

"Maya up there with you?"

"Hi, Mr. Matth-Cory," Maya called back.

"I need to talk to the both of you, please come down for a minute."

"Think he knows?" Maya asked.

"I don't think my mom would dare tell him," Riley said in reply.

"God I hope not. I'd really like your dad to keep liking me. I'd really like to keep breathing. He'd probably kill me if he knew the thoughts I had about his daughter."

"Pretty sure he knows you have those thoughts, Maya."

"I'm dead," she said as she followed Riley out of the room. 

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