You're sure?

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Maya bit her lower lip as she looked at Riley, "You're sure?"

Riley nodded, "I'm ready, Maya. Really."

"This is really happening?"

"Yes," Riley said, "if you want it to."

"Come here," Maya said as she pulled Riley to here causing their lips to crash into one another.

Their hands began hastily undressing one another.

"Peaches?" Riley asked, her voice shaky.

"Yeah, Riles."

"We're naked."

Maya couldn't bring herself to look down, but knew it to be true. She nodded, "Yes."

"What do we do now?" Riley asked.

"Probably get in the bed."

"Right," Riley said. "I'm sort of freaking out right now."

"Do you want to stop this? We can stop this. I know I said I couldn't stop earlier, but if you want to stop we can stop."

"You are rambling again, baby."

"I'm sort of freaking out too," Maya admitted.

"Let's get in the bed."


They each walked over to crawl into the bed, avoiding eye contact as they went.

"I've never felt this awkward around you before, Riles," Maya said as she laid in the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"We knew this would be awkward," Riley said.

"We did," Maya agreed.

"I think we should, you know, do something now." Riley said, praying it came out with some amount of confidence.

"Yeah, we should."

"So I'll," Riley started.

"No!" Maya said with a little too much vigor, and turned on her side to face Riley. "I want to go first. Please, Riley."

Riley nodded, her eyes betraying her nerves.

"You're going to need to guide me if I do something wrong," Maya said. "Ok?"


Maya move until she was under the covers and got in position. It's now or never, she thought to herself before lowering her mouth to her target.

"Oh," Riley said as she felt Maya make contact with her. This was... bliss. "Maya," she said breathily, giving Maya the encouragement she needed to continue.


Riley laid curled into Maya. They were both panting and sweaty.

"That was," Riley started to say.

"Perfect," Maya said finishing Riley's thought.

"Yeah, perfect. Not as scary as I thought it was going to be."

"I was pretty scared up until..." Maya admitted. "Then I wasn't. Then I felt like I was on top of the whole world."

"You are amazing, Maya."

"Love you, Riles, my Princess."

"I love you too, Peaches."

A knock came from the door.

"Um, who is it?" Riley called out.

"Farkle! It's 8:10, we are leaving for dinner. Are you guys coming?"

"We lost track of the time," Riley said in a whisper to Maya.

"No, you all go ahead," Maya called out. "I'm sure we can find something to eat around here." She maintained eye contact with Riley, who turned scarlet.

"I am going to try so hard to pretend I don't know what means, Maya!" Farkle called through the door. "See you guys in the morning."

"He knows?" Riley was petrified.

"Oh, did you think you were quiet?" Maya asked. "Because you weren't quiet. I'm surprised the glass didn't shatter."

"Oh my god," Riley buried her face in a pillow.

"That's exactly what you were yelling!" Maya joked.


"Oh, like you don't know what you were screaming out. 'Oh god. Maya. Don't stop,'" she mimicked Riley.

"I'm never going to be able to show my face to our friends again!"

"Does that mean I get to keep you in the bedroom the entire weekend?"

"What do you mean?" Riley asked, fully knowing the answer.

"I mean I really really want to do that to you again."

A huge smile crossed Riley's face, "Ok."

"And this time, you don't even have to try to be quiet since everyone is gone. Maybe we can achieve glass shattering this time," Maya teased.

"What am I going to do with you, Peaches?"

"Marry me and love me forever."

"Forever," Riley said brushing a strand of hair away from Maya's face.

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