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(a/n: so todays been a year since i met chandler so im sad cause i miss him. anyways heres an update (: )
carl's pov

i sat on my bed and tears poured out of my eyes. the dream life i wanted was actaully a possibility for me. the no one (me) could actaully mean something to the person that means more than everything to me.

as an example, take your biggest celebrity crush and imagine you go to meet them but they fall in love with you on the spot. you guys kissed, just like ron and i. youre smiling now, i bet you are. i know i did.

my phone dinged, a new message from ronnie.

ron- good morning love

me- good morning too you too darling
delivered, read.

ron- how are you on this fine day?

me- happy. very happy
delivered, read.

ron- you deserve all the happiness in the world, beautiful

me- stop flitting (:
delivered, read.

ron- i mean come on, its carl grimes im talking to, how could i not ?

me- i love you.

i was getting nervous after he didnt read my text. we were just texting. maybe he got busy?


its been 10 hours.

i guess he didnt really care. i knew it was too good to be true. i knew it. im still in love even if he doesnt love me back.

me- so this is goodbye?

i decided to go to bed, peacefully. and by peacefully, meant crying myself to sleep. but i ended up going to bed.


ron- no, i love you.

ron- please dont leave me

ron- youre the first person I've ever cared this much for

ron- im sorry

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