Same ole, same ole.

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P.S. Your welcome for putting Selena Gomez there.*wink* btw this is the same day as the last chapter.
I walk up the stairs to my bathroom, my bathroom is connected to my room, and start to clean everything out and put them into boxes, like my mom had asked of me before.  I took a five minute brake and went to grab my phone. I texted my best friend, Ray, just to see if she was there, she wasn't at the moment so I went back upstairs and started blaring my Beyoncé playlist, also known as my mental support.  Partition came on and I couldn't help it. DANCE BREAK.
-10 min. Laaatair-
I was finally done, my bathroom, my room my closet, all cleaned out and ready for someone else.  It was a little heart breaking. 16 years here and for what. Nothing. I don't really know how to comprehend it. I came so far here and it went too fast. 16, more like 6. I don't know how to describe the feeling, it's kinda like I feel, like I'm not done here, like I have to do something more, but what? There was nothing more I could do. It was over. Book over, story done. Huh, who knows.
(DomakaMe:Oooooo pick me, Pick me)
Once I let it all sink in, I brought the last boxes downstairs.  The moving van would be here in 30 minutes or so, so I have some free time. I came back into the kitchen and sat down on one of the built in stools, obviously we can't take them with. *Ding!* My phone? Oh yeah, Ray!
Gio's texts:

G6: hey gurrrl

Rayofsun: hey! How's the move thing happening? Good? No tears?

G6: no tears, some feels, but no tears.🙏🏻

Rayofsun: good! Well I gotta go, babysitting for like a week, for my cousin. And I have to stay at their house!😭

G6: no tears?😂

Rayofsun: ha. Ha. Not yet.

G6: ok well bye gurl, good luck!❤️👍🏻

Rayofsun: k thanks, bye!

End of Gio's texts.
"Ugh, that girlie." I say laughing.

"What girlie?" Vince says scaring me half to death.

"You'd think a 14 year old almost 15 would know not to sneak up on a girl, are you stupid? Like, do you have a death wi-" and he cut me off

"No, gosh, overreact much?" I knew what he would say next.

"PMSing?" He said then bursted out laughing.

"That's it kid your fucking screwed." I jumped off my stool and jumped on his back, he flung around trying to get me off but I wouldn't give up. I started to punch him in his stomach, well where I could reach. And then Big C came in. Great just great.

"Kids?" Vince turns around me on his shoulders, both are faces saying *forget this happened.* but all we said was...

"Yeah?" In unison.

"Big T is home." Crap. Big T. Wait what am I saying he's just my dad. Ahaha. My dad walks in the room and stares at us for what feels like forever, then he finally said,

"Nice one G! Wait to take action!" And flexes his arms like a lunatic.

-time skip to dinner time-

Chinese food, again, not sarcasm, I freaking love Chinese food.

"Wait, so, what? I'm beyond confused." I asked my dad. He was telling us stories about his childhood like always at dinner, but I was confused.

"Ok so You're uncle Santino and I were on a road trip....." And that went on for a good hour or two. Damn, I shouldn't have asked. I'll spare you this once.

-time skip past dads long ass story to bedtime-

"That was a cool story Till! Wanna tell us another one?" my mother encouraged him.

"No!" Vince and I shouted.

"Sorry dad, can't have to upload a video. Sorry again." I threw away my plastic fork and my empty Chinese food box, and ran up the stairs. At the top I stopped and yelled,

"Thanks for dinner!" To my parents.

"You're welcome! Buonanotte mia bambina!" They replied.
(Translation: goodnight my little girl!)
"Sí! Buonanotte." I said back, tradition thing to say goodnight in Italian in my family. It's pretty cool actually. Oh and I said "yes! Goodnight." Also, if your wondering why I said I had to film a video to my dad it's because I have a YouTube channel. It's a bunch of random things, like vlogs, parodies, q&a's, and collabs too sometimes! It's really fun and it is my passion so. Yeah, no cheesiness intended. Annnnyywaayyy. I felt so tired that I had to sleep immediately, so I flopped on my bed and turned on Netflix. Friends! I thought.

-3:00 am-

"Fuck! It's 3 am? I have work tomorrow!" I said aggravated at myself. Urgh stupid "friends" getting me hooked for the 3rd time on their show.
Goodnight Netflix.
"What do you mean your not friends with me? After everything, everything we've been through?!?! Fuck you Ray! This shit is ridicu-" and I was pulled under the floor, society beat me again. I hate when that happens.
*huge gasp*
"Ugh. Fucktard, stupid dreams scaring me." I mumble and fall back to sleep.
-6:00 am-
*beep beep beep* *beep beep beep*
*beep be-*
"Ok I get the fucking point you butthurt clock." I yell, and check the time.
"6:00 am? Not bad Gio, not bad."
I threw on my work uniform, I work at DQ. (A/N Dairy Queen for you weird peeps that don't know what that is, its an ice cream place.) I grab the car keys and run downstairs with them grabbing a granola bar from the box on the counter, only food supply other than Chinese food, we have for awhile. I wrote my mom a note and drove off.

"I hate working." Bleh.
Hey guys! I know I've been posting a lot, but it's because I wanna get the story rolling. Also it's a lot of fun. If you guys haven't tried it I suggest you do. Again don't forget to share and give feedback! Your opinion means everything!!!!!! And sorry their such boring short chapters too. I just need to build it up a bit, you get it. Anyways  well I'll see you guy next time!!!!!  1063 words!!!!!!!!!! Ahahhahahahaha. Xoxo,

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