551 44 14

Fr. 30th September 2016

"Can I have the seat next to the window? Please?" Thomas whined pulling on his brother's jacket, Mark tried his best to keep the smile on his face. Sometimes it was necessary to remind himself that the way his brother acted was not his fault.

And it was okay to think about him as annoying from time to time, as long as he knew better in his heart and showed different thoughts trough his actions.

"Of course you can." He smiled, brushing a hand trough his little brother's hair. A big smile appeared on Thomas' face as he excitedly crawled over the other seat to sat down next to the window.

"Can Jack sit next to me?"

Mark turned half way around to face his friend next to his side, who himself was surprised. Even though he and Thomas saw each other a few times, he would not have thought that the younger boy actually liked him.

Without using any words, just one look, Jack asked Mark if it'd be okay for him- the red-haired just gave him a warm smile and sat down on a seat behind the other two.

Careful Jack sat down next to Thomas whose smile did not fade. He gestured with his hands for Jack to come closer, and so he did, yet with furrowed eyebrows.

The child formed his hands around Jack's ear as if they were to build a wall, and whispered: "Your hair has the same color as this bus."

Jack pouted and put his fists against his sides to act offended, causing the kid to start laughing. Mark in the back chuckled, too and Jack couldn't keep up his act for much longer.

Some other people who already were inside the bus looked at them fleeting but no one said anything about them and they soon calmed down.

Thomas bounced up and down jittery in his seat now and stared out of the window, his mind trailed off completely.

"So where are we driving?" Mark finally asked.

"Don't you trust me" Jack smirked, making the other boy roll his eyes.


Hours passed, and the bus carried them more and more far away to let the city behind, fields and trees were surrounding them now. Thomas fell asleep just a few minutes after the bus drove off, his small head leaned against Jack's shoulder, his chest rising and falling peacefully.

It caused a warm smile to spread across his brother's lips as he looked at the boys in front of him.

It seemed the bus stopped in the middle of nowhere and Mark was confused as Jack stood up and pulled the backpack up again. He softly shook Thomas awake and the brothers soon got up as well to leave the bus.

The three boys were standing on a small path, Jack went ahead and waved to them so they would follow.

Soon they were standing in front of a huge empty field, there was nothing around, just a bench a few meters away from them. Thomas immediately started to run around.

The sun m began to set and the warm light made the leaves appear golden. Some of them were dancing in the wind already and others softly fell onto the ground.

"Autumn is just around the corner. It's finally getting colder as well." Jack mumbled, standing next to Mark but his sight scanned the landscape in front of them, inch by inch.

But Mark did not want to talk about the weather, he wanted to know why Jack brought them here. So he pointed towards a few houses in the distance

"Don't you think they'll mind us? I mean, man, they seem pretty rich, living this far away from the city, fields next to their do you know this place anyways?"

"They won't mind. And that is what I wanna talk about with you, actually"

"You brought me, us, here because you wanted to talk? Did you buy three bus tickets for a 2-hour drive just to talk? Damn, what's this about?" A dry chuckle escaped his throat.

Mark's heartbeat was going faster by every second that was passing. He could not imagine just what Jack had planned to do and that was what really upset him. All this uncertainty all over again, and still he was not sure what he wanted the boy to do or tell him.

He had not a single idea.

Jack's sight got caught on Thomas and his eyes followed the kid as he was running around in his new shoes.

He laughed and after a while he laid down, grass stroking his skin now.

Jack sighed "I just know you for... Not even two months. Yet it feels like we are friends since forever and friends, well, they do not lie at each other, so I came here to tell you the truth, I guess"

He looked at Mark with glassy eyes but the elder stared at him already.


"This is bullshit"

He whispered.

"You're bullshitting me, man!" But Jack shook his head. Mark let out a dead , gray laugh.

"Thomas and I want to go now"

He stood up from the grassy ground and made his way to the field to get to his brother who still laid in the grass. Midway Jack looked up from the ground and exclaimed "Why?" to which Mark turned around abruptly, anger on his face

"Because I can't stand your face right now. You lied to me, to all of us, dude, How much money did you get into your brain to be this stupid, huh?

Couldn't your parents afford to buy you a new one? Is this your kink? Or is this something rich people play? 'Act poor' or 'How many dumb friends can you get?'?

Or do you feel like you're doing something good? Because we don't need your money, Jack. We don't. We're not here to satisfy you.

You can't just come into our lives and act like someone your not. This is a sick joke to you, right? You have a shitload of money and all you care to do is to act like you have nothing?

So you think that's cool? Or edgy or some shit?

I've trusted you, man. I thought you were different than those assholes and now? You could be their leader, hah.

We're driving home. And I don't want to talk to you. You can't buy me."

Before Jack could say one thing Mark ran off to get Thomas.

This is what he got for saying the truth after regretting a lie. And it's how Mark reacted, for he felt like a studied animal. Studied by someone who thought he was better than him.

This time, Thomas was not allowed to sit next to Jack, because the Irishman still sat in front of the field thinking about how terribly he had messed everything up.


I'm unsure


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