430 45 15

17th Nov 2016

"You should move out, Mark. You could stay at mine, you know."

His gaze wandered off into the distance outside of the bus window. The trees now nearly had no leaves left on them and the countryside now looked, despite of the dark and grey sky, more colorful than any other time of the year.

To him everything Jack said was a big blur. His heart was racing as the thought about meeting Jack's parents. He was nervous to meet them, and maybe he was a little but what he really feared was that his parents were as terrible as his father was.
Or that they would actually be so nice and lovely that Mark again was reminded of how destroyed his family was.

"Mark? Where are you? Have you paid any attention to me at all?"

The voice shook him out of his trance and with tired eyes he looked at Jack next to him.
Without a word he gently took his hand that rested on his thigh and squeezed it. A warm smile spread both boys' faces.

"I'm sorry. What were you sayin'?"
"You should move out."

Mark's smile fainted a little and he looked at the ground. He knew that Jack was right. Yet...
"I can't leave Thomas alone there."
He nodded as he understood.

"So you can't tell the police either?"
He shook his head "I doubt they'd do anything at all. Plus it only happened two times. And he was drunk, I'm sure he can't even remember."

Even though Mark had told Jack about what happened, he did not mention his father calling him a whore.
He trusts this boy with all his heart yet of course he did not want him to worry too much about him.


"Isn't this the place where you brought me and Thomas the day we argued?"
Mark asked as they got out of the bus.

Jack just scratched his head. "Yeah, well my parents live here so..."
"You do have a shitload of money, don't you?" He smiled and again squeezed his boyfriend's hand gently.

They slowly made their way to Jack's. A beautiful woman with short red hair opened the door. Her smile grew bigger as she saw her son and Mark standing there.

"Mark! Right? It's so nice to meet you, you so look handsome." Her accent was way more presence than Jack's was. As she invited the boys in, Jack's father came down the stairs and greeted them.

And as they sat at the dinner table, laughing, suddenly Mark's thoughts drifted off.
He thought about how damaged his family was compared to Jack's.
They lived in a beautiful big house, dressed fancy and cooked perfectly.
Soon they'd have a second, happy child. Jack's little brother. You really could by now that his mother was pregnant.

Everything seemed like a tale.

"So, when are we going to meet your family?"
Jack's father asked.

Mark went silent, swallowing the last bite.
After the question was asked even Jack stopped eating, his fork stopped making sounds as it was hitting the plate.

"It's rather complicated." He answered very vague.
"I was really looking forward to meet your old man." He said "Maybe he and your mother could come visit?"

Mark was about to say something as Jack's mother interrupted, giving her husband a little kick under the table.
"I'm sure they'll come along if they want to."
She smiled softly.

Maybe women really do care emotions better then men.


They're only a few more ideas I have for this story.

So it seems that the readers are loosing interest as the same time I'm coming to an end.
I mean the last chapter (20) only had half of the reads and votes the chapter 19 did.

Was there something wrong with it or this chapter? If so please let me know!

Have a nice day everyone!

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