My Crush... <3

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He came over to me, I blushed. I was in the middle of my (our) art class. He was gorgeous, as ever. He was definitely my type, and that's for sure. His blue eyes shone under the classroom lights as he was talking Sex God language.

"Hi, do you have a pencil I could borrow?"

"Yeah, which one do you want?". I was trying to make the conversation last a little longer, at least for them extra 5 seconds.

"Can I have that HB one?"

"Yeah sure, you might want to sharpen it though"

"Okay, have u got a sharpener I could borrow as well then?"

"Ermm... I think I do...". I started looking through my pencil case, while trying to hide my red cheeks from him, I didn't want him finding out. I finally found it and handed my sharpener to him. As he walked away, his uranus was bobbing along with his legs. That cute arse ;). Obviously I wasn't sat alone, Claire was sat beside me, giving me the 'you've got a crush look', but I quickly shook my head and tried ignoring her. Harry came back with my sharpener ( still can't get over how cute he is :*) and smiled.

"Thanks. I heard about the incident in German earlier today. You okay?" Why would he care anyway? But I still answered.

"Well I could be better, but things that happen just can't rewind themselves ".

"Well if you need help or support you can come to me anytime,yeah?".

"Yeah thanks Harry. That cheered me up a little (lot)".

"No problem, anything for you sweetie".

That's when Claire started nudging me and trying to get my attention. But I was just too busy looking at Harry's perfect face and body to react. There was a feeling in my heart. LOVE. He put my sharpener into the pencil case and left to see his cocky little friends. They have already started to take the piss out of him, dickheads.

Claire whispers into my ear " he sure seemed to like you".

"You think... Nahh... Maybe? I don't know what to think of him, he's a really cute guy. But I just don't think he likes me in that way". I started blushing even more, Claire realised what was going on.  "Owwhhh... You fancy him, don't you? Don't lie to me. I know what's going on... Bee has a crush! Bee has a crush! (Bee is my new nick name since I wore black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow) "Shurrup Claire" I warned her and gave her the stare of death (not exactly).

I start doodling in my book, I can't get over what Harry said to me. I mean yeah, it was sweet and all that, but I'm just wondering whether he just said it to make me feel better, or did he actually mean it? I peeked over to the corner of the room he was sat in, he looked at me with a little cheeky smile on his face. I automatically winked at him and he sunk down into his chair, trying to hide his blushing cheeks. I think there might be something going on between us. Haha

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