Date with someone special

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My mind was filled with a load of questions such as: what should i say to Jack? How is he going to react? What will his mates think of me? How would I feel in the relationship? I was thinking of the answers to these in my bed for about an hour, just to realise I was probably the biggest bitch around. I didn't really care about Jack, or any of his mates and what they thought of me. I was disgusted to think about it, but it was the truth.

I got out of bed and rushed downstairs. The bang in the kitchen was a loud, sudden noise that had told me something was up. My legs felt like jelly as i sprinted down two flight of stairs.

I entered the kitchen to find my dumbass brother trying to work the microwave.

"Bitrace, the microwave won't work" my brother was just tall enough to reach the microwave since he had his early growth spur under a month ago. My nose detected a smell, it smelt a bit like.... Omg! Something was burning.

"What the hell did u do to the microwave Billy!?" I screeched at him as he ran down the corridor, thinking he would get away from it.

It stank in the house, every room, and the fact that I had a rat living under my roof didn't help.

I threw open the old microwave door and all I could see is a bowl while the darkness filled up the small kitchen. My eyelids started to move up and down my eyes, to stop the smoke getting in to them. After the smoke had passed me, in a matter or seconds, I could finally see the damaged microwave in front of me. Shit, I'm going to get bollocked because of that spoilt brat. I took the bowl out to find a metal spoon in the centre of the chocolatey lucky charms.

"Billy?! Get here right now!" I saw him crawling over the cold tiles with his head deeply buried in his chest.

"Look what you've done u little-"

"Mummy told me I could!"

"Mum let you blow up the microwave? Yes Billy.. I think your more stupid than a flipping shoe!"

"I'm going to tell mummy all this!"

Billy folded his arms as if he thought he was tougher than me. I walked up to him with my back straightened and it looked as if I had a broom up my uranus.

"Do you want to say that again?"

Billy stood up right with his fists looking like the english flag, red and white, because he was trying so hard. As he tried to stand on his tip toes, he fell forwards in to my stomach.

"You what mate?!" I said to scare him off. So he decides to be an awkward child.


"Eerrrr what the hell? Your a disgusting creature!"

"I got scared!" Billy then ran off to the bathroom to sit on the toilet. Wow, if I make my brother shit himself, I wonder how much I can manipulate other people to avoid getting embarrassed?

After the whole argument I went upstairs to get ready. My hair was a real mess and I couldn't stand looking at it in the mirror. I put it up in a braided halo braid so I could work on my makeup. I bought a new foundation from Rimmel London called 'wake me up' that Charlie recommended to me. In that way I didn't really have to put concealer on and only used loose powder to finish off. Overall it took me about half a hour to get ready.

I sat on my bed while watching saw IV (4) and I jumped out of my skin when I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from Joe.

'Hi Bee, what are you doing later on this night?'

I jumped once again, this time with excitement to show my happiness, that no one would notice anyway. I text back saying ' no why? What did u have in mind?' I text back with a massive grin on my face. I chuckled when I read the reply.

'I was thinking to go out somewhere? Maybe get to know each other a bit more?'

'Is this what you call an invitation to a date by any chance?'

'Maybe... Hahaha, so u up for it?'

'Yeah sure, why not. What time?'

'At the park at, lets say, 7?'

Perfect, this was enough time to get ready (once again) and finish babysitting my brother.

I was getting ready once again, put brown eyeshadow on and some eye liner as well. After adding some makeup, I wasn't too sure what to do with my hair. I went on YouTube to find some cute hair styles I could do for my own hair. As I was looking through the icons of the videos, I noticed a beach curls tutorial and clicked on it. It was a bit chewy to watch so I turned it off because I knew what I'm going to do. My curlers took about a minute to warm up so I brushed my hair through with a tangle teaser brush. I then grabbed the curlers and started to clip the ends and twisting my hair around it. Once I've finished I was pretty proud of my perfect loose beach curls.

Afterwards I walked down the stairs meanwhile my brother skipped up them. I gave him a wierd glare and carried on downwards. I sat in the living room and rested my head on a comfortably soft pillow. Before I knew it, I snoozed off.

When I woke up I was in a major shock. I only had half an hour till I meet up with Joe. My parents should be back any second now and I didn't know where my brother was. I ran up the stairs shouting "Billy!" but there was no response. I opened the door to my room and surprise, surprise. My 6 year old brother. Yes I said he was 3, but it really does seem like he is 3. He acts half his age and still looks like a baby. Here's why he only acts half his age:

1. He can't talk properly

2. He is such a mummys boy, you wouldn't believe how much he sucks up to my mum.

3. He looks about 2

4. He is unbearabley annoying

5. He loovveesss his rides in the pram, STILL!

6. He's too stupid to be 6.

Here's an example, I walked in on him with eye liner scribbled all over his face. He looks like he has just been molested by a black eye liner. His face looked alright compare to his legs. The legs that were once clean, have now been transformed in to legs with black caterpillars crawling all over them.

As I got even closer, I noticed that my brother had a bright red mark on his forehead.

"What's that mark on your head?"

"Oh, that was a hot wand that cursed me".

"You mean this?" I picked up the curlers and Billy nodded.

"You idiot" I had no more energy to shout at him.

I picked some make up wipes and started scrubbing his face. I finished just in time for my parents to get back. I turned off my curlers, put my make up away and set off.

I saw a tall, skinny and handsome man waiting for his princess to arrive. I start walking in his direction and smiled. He said a polite hi to me as I walked past. My man was stood under a tree with his hood up. A shadow cast over me when I tapped him on the back. Joe turned around and hugged me.

"Hi there beautiful"

"Hehe hi Joe" I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and smiled to myself.

"You are a little cutie aren't you?" I laughed as a response but stopped as my lips were touching his.

The night was successful but I didn't want anything too serious happening since I still wasn't too sure about Jack. Joe was a person I had great fun with and a lot of memories to look back at. Whereas when I tried looking back at the good times I had with Jack, there wasn't many. Then I clicked. I only now realised that Jack was using me. All those times I felt his eyes burning in to my uranus. All those times he did a lip bite whenever he talked to me, in fact, any other girl he could find in the gangbang. I have only just realised how much of a player he is.

Authors note:

A big happy birthday to my friend Emma (character Charlie on this book). This is also a shoutout for her amazing book called 'simply Liz' its an interesting read and its about relationships getting more and more serious throughout. Check it out and please follow. Leave a comment of what you thought about this chapter and vote!

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