Friends with mates

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I woke up to a text from Yasmin at about 6:30am. It said

'Omg Bee! Your amazing, Tim ended up saying yes! I'm so happy! :) '

I just read the text and went back to sleep for the next half an hour. I woke up and sat I'm bed for a bit. As it was Wednesday, I had P.E. This meant no skirt for me but black skinny jeans with golden zips on the sides. A tie, shirt and a blazer for the top. I didn't have any breakfast because I was put off by the smell of the rat. I stayed upstairs to do my hair, up or down? I decided to have it up so it isn't a pain when I do P.E. I put a small grey and white bow near my ponytail and hairsprayed it. I went downstairs and grabbed £2 from my mums purse. I put my keys in my pocket, put my bag on my shoulder and set off.

When I got back from a miserable day at school, I pulled my phone out of my bag and checked it. It seemed like I got a text from somebody. I tilted my shoulder to one side for my bag to drop and entered my living room. I smiled. It was from Joe, he wanted to meet up with me and Charlie to have a double date. I agreed and another text was sent to me seconds later. This time it was from Charlie.

'Hey! Did u hear bout the double date? xx'

I text back saying,

'Yeah Joe text me earlier, how did u find out? xx'

'Luke sent me a text bout it at about 2 this afternoon xx'

'Do you think they're friends then? xx'

'Well I guess so xx'

'What time did Luke say we were meeting them? xx'

'6:00pm at Pizza Hut in town xx'

This was great! A double date with my best friend and a perfect guy. I thought this day would never come. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some cucumber, I was really hungry because I didn't eat anything at school. I took my bag upstairs and sat on the bed till I finished my cucumber. I then walked up to my wardrobe and started looking around for something decent to wear for the date.

I turned up in a purple skater skirt and a white tank top. Charlie wore jeans with a really nice grey printed converse jumper. Charlie spotted the guys first, they were sat at a table right next to the salad bar. Hhaaww poor boys don't know we're meat addicts. Coming closer to the table and I smell the fruit from the salad bar, nom nom, I could eat a watermelon right now haha. Joe stood up and pulled my chair out for me, what a gentleman. I smiled and and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Meanwhile Luke sat there looking at the menu, whilst Charlie entangled two chair legs from each other. I was hungry, so was everyone else I think. Charlie was rubbing her stomach, Luke was practically eating the menu and Joe kept on peeking at his watch. After twenty minutes our food finally arrived. Me and Joe had a 12" meat feast pizza, while

Luke and Charlie shared a large bowl of spaghetti bolognese. As we ate Joe had his hand over mine and Luke was looking out for the same string of spaghetti that Charlie was eating, so they could do that kissing scene from Lady and The Tramp. Instead Joe grabbed some spaghetti and trapped it between his upper lip and a little bit above it.

"Hejo, I'm from de Japanese sektion at I'm informing you dat I can't tink of anymore bullshat too tell da pepole".

That made Charlie laugh so much she sprayed her 7up all over me! Joe quickly grabbed a napkin and started cleaning me up while laughing. The lemonade was spilt all over me. Joe started moving further up, he was centimeters away from my bazumas and then made a move. He started dabbing my top, exactly where my bazumas where. I put my hand over his and took the napkin. I started soaking the 7up myself while Luke and Charlie were still laughing.

It was a good night overall, we all had a laugh and enjoyed it. The food was gorgeous. I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say that the food did take some time to be served. Part from the 7up accident, I wouldn't change a thing about the double date.

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