One big happy family

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Sage's POV

I woke up this morning and found myself next to Bash. I lovedBash but I also like Shan, I hate myself for feeling this. I also can't believe how I hurt my only sister.

"Morning beautiful" Bash yawned.

"Hey handsome" I replied.

"Hey, I haven't seen Juniper in a while, where is she." He asked.

"I don't know" I lied, but I didn't hide it well.

"Sage, where is she, I can tell when you're lying" he said in a playful tone.

"Well how would you know, you've only known me for a week" I snapped.

"Well apparently you aren't a good liar then" he said in the same snappy tone.

I sighed, I knew arguing with him would be pointless.

"Promise me you won't get mad" I pleaded.

"I promise, even if I do, I can never stay mad at you" he answered this made me smile, then it quickly faded away into tears.

I stared at my paws and explained to him what happened "Yesterday, I was with you're brother and we were talking and laughing, then before I knew it we were nuzzling, and I kissed him and he licked me, and the only reason we stopped was because Juniper caught us" when I was done telling him what happened, I looked him in his beautiful brown eyes, and all I saw were tears of anger, hurt, and disappointment.

"And if Juniper didn't catch you guys?" he asked in a quiet tone.

"I don't know" I answered in an almost silent voice. The next thing I knew Bash ran out and I ran after him to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, because I still love him. When I looked more closely I saw Shan not too far away.

"Hey!" Bash yelled as he pounced on Shan knocking him down.

"What are you doing" Shan yelled back at him.

" I know what you and Sage were up to" he answered.

"We didn't do anything" Shan explained.

"Don't lie to little brother, Sage told me everything." He said in the most angry tone I have ever herd from him. Before he could say another word I tackled Bash down to help Shan.

"You're protecting him now?!" Bash yelled.

"No, I'm trying to protect you from making a huge mistake." I answered.

"Save it do you know how humiliating it is to lose your girlfriend to your little brother?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry" I sobbed.

"Then tell me, tell me you don't have any feelings for him whatsoever and what you guys were doing meant nothing"he commanded, but I couldn't do it I just stared into his eyes with sadness and regret.

"I knew it" he started, then looked to Shan " you can have her" he said, then looked to me "I'm done with you" he finished then ran away, leaving me to fall to the ground in sorrow.

Then all of a sudden I herd Shan come up to me and I felt him put his head on my shoulders.

"Piss off" I told him in anger and sorrow, and I ran towards mom and dad's cave, I figured that's where Juniper went. I just really need to explain why I did what I did.

Diego's POV

This morning Shira and I were going to go to see the herd to tell them the good news, but then I herd foot steps coming towards the cave and I see a small figure. I focus more closely on it and I realize its Sage.

"Hey, look" I tell Shira quietly as to not wake up Juniper. I here Shira gasp and we both walk up to Sage to welcome her back.

"What're you doing here". Here juniper say in a very angry voice.

"I'm here to see my parents, what about you" Sage answered in a sarcastic voice sounding just like her mom.

"I don't want you here" Juniper replied.

"Listen I know I hurt you but you're my sister, and I love you, I can't stand it when we fight" Sage said in an apologetic tone.

"I don't know if I can forgive you Sage" Juniper answered in a disappointed tone.

"Hey both you look at me" I started "you girls have been inseparable since birth and you're going to let let a boy and a bad mistake drive you apart?"

"But, I loved him dad" Juniper replied.

"But did you love him more than Sage" I asked.

"No, I guess not" she answered.

"I rest my case"I answered back

Shira looked back at me in shock, I guess she didn't know I could be so helpful in theses situations.

"Now, Sage, look into your sister's eyes and apologize" Shira commanded in a soft motherly tone.

"I'm sorry for hurting you like I did, Juniper"Sabe said with total remorse.

"I forgive you, Sage."Juniper said in the same tone. Then they both came together and nuzzled each other.

"I know it's gonna take time, but eventually everything will be back to normal with you two" I told them.

"I think it already has" Juniper replied.

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