Meeting Leo

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    When I was younger I accepted that Shredder was my true father. He raised me to hate Hamato Yoshi and his clan with all my heart filling my head with nothing but his stupid vendetta. While constantly abusing me telling me he loved me. I never knew what love was, hate, abuse its all I knew. 


  I had my head in between my knees. 

"What do you want Dog pound?"

"Master Shredder wants to see you! "

I walked into my "father's" throne room and knelt down before him.

It never felt right to do that. 

It was weird. He WAS my "father" wasn't he?

"Karai, my daughter, I need you too go do something for me..."

I tilted my head up to listen. 

"Hamato Yoshi has trained four turtles in the art of ninjitzu, He's in New York. I need you to find them, and finish them."

As an obedient daughter would, I obeyed 

I didn't understand. My father was so bent over vendetta he would never let it go. He wanted them to pay for what they did to my mother. I did too 

I wanted them all to pay 

I never had any love for anything or anyone 

Just hate 

Hate, hate, hate...

I wondered around New York when I spotted something pacing around the rooftops. 

It was a turtle. 

"...found you..." I said to myself 

I ran over and charged at him 

He was surprised.  but dodged my hit right away

"Nice dodge. Let's see if you can do it again!" 

I charged at him once more again he dodged my hit. 

"Who are you?" He asked. 

"That's not important right now!"

 I got a bit more excited. Maybe I can pay with this kids mind a bit. 

This time he charged at me. I simply dodged it and attacked him  by surprise. 

"Cute, but futile"

The turtle blushed

"...Cute?" He smiled a bit 

I walked over to him taking off my mask. 

"...But Futile." He blushed a bit more. Which make me smirk. 

"Names. Karai," I said putting my sword away. 

"...L-L-Leo... What are you doing here." 

"I work with the Shredder, He told me to kill you. So I guess that what Ihave to do..." 

I got out my sword and set off a smoke bomb making the turtle Leo cough. In a second I was out of his sight. 

I should of finished him....

But I couldn't do it...... 


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