Part 1

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*Ellas POV*

I had been counting the days for what had seemed like centuries but the day had finally arrived, tonight I was going to see the boys that were plastered all over my wall, the boys that had changed my life, these boys were of course, The Wanted. I was meeting up with a girl I had been tweeting and facebooking for as long as I could remember. She and her friends were going to the same concert as us but they were sat on the complete other side of the arena, but this wasn’t going to stop us. Rebecca lives all the way in Nottingham and my parents couldn't afford the cost of the travel. I had lived in London most of my life with my best friend, Katie. Rebecca was going with her friends; Sophie and Natasha. I had talked to them a little too and both seemed lovely. I had never seen The Wanted before live and I was buzzing for it! I was actually going to be in the same room as my inspirations, it was crazy!

It was 6am in the morning and I was already up packing my bag for the day ahead. It took me two hours to finally decide what I was going to wear, not only did I want to make a good impression to Rebecca, but her friends too. I popped my phone out of my pocket to text Rebecca and I wrote: 'So excited! We still on to meet? Can't wait to finally see you!' Within about 2 minutes she replied: 'So am I! We are all packing and getting ready now.'

A massive grin appeared on my face, I was finally going to meet my best friend! I made sure the tickets were secure in my bag and looked in the mirror to check that I looked good and got my laptop out to check my twitter. My whole timeline was about The Code tonight and it made me even more excited. My phone vibrated, it was a tweet from the boys '#buzzin for #TheCodeLondon tonight, can’t wait to see you all' 

'We can't wait to see you either!' I whispered to myself.

*Rebecca's POV* 

I ran to the front door where the other girls were waiting to leave. They had kept me awake most of the night with their excitement but who cares?! There is no such thing as tired-ness when you’re this excited! As soon as we are all gathered, we load our stuff into the car and begin the long journey from Nottingham to London. We tried to get tickets to Nottingham but they were all sold out by the time we had tried to book. They boys had come so far and we were all so proud.

“So, has anyone been bad and watched any spoilers? I didn’t think I could resist but somehow I have, I don’t have a clue what is going to happen!”

“I did.... I'm sorry, I couldn’t resist, you know what I'm like!”


We all burst out laughing and started singing along to the music on the radio. It took a while, but we had finally arrived in London! It was very busy, people rushing around everywhere, it was mad! 

“Can we go to the arena now? Please Mrs Mackness?”

“Not yet girls, we need to check into the hotel first, come on!”

As we walked up to our rooms, I couldn't help but skip. I was so happy. I always skipped when I was happy. It was a habit. My mum started laughing at me making Tasha and Sophie join in too. I turned around to look at them and nearly tripped up. 

“Smooth” Tasha laughed. 

“Hush up, you!” I giggled, poking my tongue out at them.

We got into the room and chucked our bags on the bed. You could see the arena from outside the window. 

“Someone pinch me, this isn’t really happening!”

Tasha ran over to me and pinched me. 

“Ouch! I didn’t mean literally!”

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