Part 15

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*Ellas POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and turned over to see Tom still asleep peacefully. I smiled and kissed his forehead before attempting to get out of the cozy bed.

"Don't you dare" He said in his morning voice. He pulled me back making me giggle. I snuggled into his warm chest and dazed into thin air. 

"What are you thinking?" he whispered, sending shivers down my back. 

"How perfect this is, I never thought this would happen to me" I replied, still whispering. 

"Never say never beautiful"

"Quoting Bieber are we?" I laughed.

"Always" We lay in each other's arms for a few more minutes before we actually did get up. I opened the patio door that our hotel room had and was greeted by a small blow of warm, Caribbean air.

"This place is amazing" I whispered. Tom walked over wearing his massive sunglasses and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"You ready to have your arse whipped at volleyball today then?" I asked him, still looking around at the views from the balcony.

"Never, you girls are going to lose. Then, you can have your day of freedom and then you'll have to do whatever we say for the rest of the holiday" 

"If you think so" 

"I know so!" We stood and took in the views for a while longer before getting a text message from one of the boys.

He slipped his hands away from my waist and took his phone out. 

"It's Jay saying we are meeting at reception in half an hour" Tom said, turning me around so we were looking in each other's eyes. 

"Can't we just stay here forever" I whispered, swinging my arms around Tom's neck. 

"Unfortunately not, come on, it's going to be a good day"

I put my best bikini on and Tom put his best swim shorts on. 

"So you think Nathan will hide his twelve pack?" I giggled.

"No idea" When we were finally ready, I slipped my beach dress over my bikini. Tom and I walked down to reception, meeting Max and Tasha in the lift. As the lift doors opened, Tom took my hand as we walked out.

We played our volley ball game. The boys played good but us girls played better. Nathan had still got his top on. We had drawn so we were going to flip a coin for a winner. 

"Heads" Rebecca called as Tom was about to flip. 

"Tails" Seev said. Tom flipped it and grinned at the result. 


"Are you having a bubble?!" Tasha shouted from across the court shaking her head. Obviously, our bikinis didn't do the trick. 

"Okay, the boys won fair and square but no fear girls, we still have our day on the island!" I said, trying to raise the girls' moods. All the boys were acting cocky and Tom ran up to me. 

"Best team won in the end" he whispered.

"Am I bovvered? Face, bovvered? Volley ball, winning, I AINT BOVVERED" I shouted in a terrible Catherine Tate impression making all the others fall to the floor laughing.

"Very good. So, where do you want to go for your treat day? Don't worry, we'll be nice with you girls" Tom said. 

"We'll think of something to do. Something you boy's will hate!" I replied.

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