Part 34

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*Katies POV* 

We were all excited for the beach, the sun was shining brightly, putting smiles back on everyone's faces. Siva and I went back to our rooms and got everything we needed ready for the rest of the day. We got driven to the gorgeous Venice Beach by Tom. It was amazing! 

"They have rollerblades to hire!" I squealed in excitement. 

"Shall we do it?" Sophie looked at me mischeviously. 

"Let's!" Ella joined in. 

"I love Rollerskating" Rebecca stated. All us girls ran over to a hut that was hiring them out. 

"Tasha, you coming?" Rebecca smiled weakly. 

"You sure you want me to join in?" Tasha asked shyly. 

"Of course, new start remember?" Tasha grinned and ran over to us in the hut. I caught a glance of all the boys stood smiling. 

"5 pairs of size 6s please!" I ordered. 

"That'll be $15 for all you girls" The man said in his strong US accent. 

"Wait! We want to join in too!" Max laughed. The boys and us girls all got out rollerskates on and began to stand up. Rebecca, Ella and Tasha were the only ones that had skated before and Rebecca was the only good-ish one. All of us others couldn't stand up. 

"This is harder than it looks" Jay moaned as he tried to stand up but fell back straight onto his bum. 

"It's easy" Rebecca said showing off. 

“Pipe down" Tom laughed.

"Come on sweetie: it can't be that hard" Ella smiled at Tom. We all eventually managed to get up but that didn't mean we could move anywhere.

"Not again!" Nathan snapped as he landed on his backside once again. 

"Fuck this!" Max laughed, trying to keep his balance by keeping hold of the brick wall by the beach. 

"Look guys, you've just got to slowly put one foot in front of the other, it's like walking, but you don't lift your feet off the ground, you slide them" Rebecca demonstrated. Siva held my hand protectively and we both skated together, keeping each other standing. In the end, most of us managed to stay standing for atleast 10 seconds. 

"Wow, this is thirtsy work!" Jay hinted slightly.

"Race you all over to the beer hut?" Sophie joked. 

"Deal" Ella accepted. Me and Sophie plus the boys practically crawled over there as we could skate for long. Rebecca, Ella and Tasha were skating around the beer hut, showing off.

"Ten pints please" Jay ordered for everyone. "My treat" He added. 

"Thanks bird" Max grinned.

We all sat down under a large tree in the shade with our chilled drinks. A couple of passersby gave us some funny looks, looking like they had seen us somewhere before but couldn't work out where, which made us smile. 

"Game of volley-ball after?" I questioned.

"For sure!" Nathan laughed. Deep down we were all so competitive, this wasn't going to be a friendly game, I could tell. 

"There is no forfeit if we lose?" Rebecca pleaded, fluttering her eyelids, making everyone chuckle. 

"We'll think about it" Tom replied, getting all the boys to agree. Us girls rolled our eyes and shook our heads.

"We're winning this time" I muttered to everyone. 

"We'll see" Max grinned, pulling Tasha onto him.

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